













[1]        褚良银2024. 微流控法精准制备微结构功能材料[C]. 见:第一届流动化学与化学工程学术研讨会,江西师范大学,南昌,20241222-24. *邀请报告)

[2]        褚良银2024. 肿瘤精准栓塞微球和药物精准控释载体的可控制备[C]. 见:精准医学产业创新发展研讨会,成都,20241128. *主题报告)

[3]        Chu L.Y.*, Xie R., Liu Z., Ju X.J., Wang W., Pan D.W., 2024. Regulation and Intensification of Mass-transfer and Separation Processes with Micro-/nano-structured Functional Materials [C]. The FILTECH 2024 Conference, 12-14 November 2024, Cologne, Germany. (*Plenary Lecture)

[4]        褚良银,汪伟,巨晓洁,潘大伟,刘壮,谢锐,2024. 微结构聚合物功能材料的精准可控制造[C]. 见:2024中国化工学会科技创新大会,西安,2024111-4. *主题报告)

[5]        Wang W.*, 2024. Controllable Microfluidic Emulsions for Creating Functional Particles [C]. SelectBIO Flow Chemistry Asia 2024 Conference, November 7-8, 2024, Tokyo, Japan. (*Keynote Lecture)

[6]        汪伟*2024. 微尺度液相分散过程中的介尺度结构调控[C]. 见:第十三届中国颗粒大会,江苏苏州20241025-28.*主题报告)

[7]        褚良银2024. 人工智能膜材料[C]. 见:2024全国石油和化工行业科技创新大会,大连,20241014-16. *邀请报告)

[8]        褚良银2024. 微纳结构化智能高分子材料的构建与调控机制[C]. 见:第四届全国化工过程强化大会,上海2024920-22. *大会邀请报告)

[9]        汪伟*2024. 面向功能颗粒制备的微流控液相分散技术[C]. 见:第一届全国微流控/3D打印与微纳纤维学术会议,江苏苏州202496-8.*主题报告)

[10]     褚良银2024. 传质与分离过程调控强化技术创新[C]. 见:2024年中国化工学会应星青年论坛,大连,202482-4. *大会邀请报告)

[11]     褚良银*,汪伟,巨晓洁,潘大伟,刘壮,谢锐2024. 高端聚合物微球功能材料制备的微化工过程和科学基础[C]. 见:第十届全球华人化工学者研讨会(Frontier in Chemical Engineering – The 16th Global Chinese Chemical Engineers Symposium (GCCES-2024)),青岛,2024811-14. *主题报告

[12]     巨晓洁*2024. 用于口腔黏膜控释给药的微针贴片系统研究[C]. 第十届全球华人化工学者研讨会Frontier in Chemical Engineering – The 16th Global Chinese Chemical Engineers Symposium (GCCES-2024)),青岛2024811-14.*邀请报告

[13]     刘壮*2024. 双亲抗菌抗粘附表面[C]. 第十届全球华人化工学者研讨会Frontier in Chemical Engineering – The 16th Global Chinese Chemical Engineers Symposium (GCCES-2024)),青岛2024811-14.*主题报告

[14]     谢锐*2024. 智能光子晶体凝胶[C]. 见:2024年中国化工学会应星青年论坛,大连,202482-4. *主题报告)

[15]     巨晓洁*2024. 用于口腔黏膜给药的微针控释系统的研究[C]. 见:2024年中国化工学会应星青年论坛,大连,202482-4. *主题报告)

[16]     刘壮*2024. 仿生传质膜[C]. 见:2024年中国化工学会应星青年论坛,大连,202482-4. *邀请报告)

[17]     Chu L.Y.*, Liu Z., Xie R., Ju X.J., Wang W., Pan D.W., 2024. Design and Construction of Smart Membranes for Applications in Separation, Detection and Controlled Release [C]. The 14th Conference of the Aseanian Membrane Society (AMS14), July 23-26, 2024, Nanjing, China. (*Keynote Lecture)

[18]     Liu Z.*, 2024. Biomimetic Guttation Feature in Two-dimensional Hydrotalcite Membranes for Self-sustaining Water Purification [C]. The 14th Conference of the Aseanian Membrane Society (AMS14), July 23-26, 2024, Nanjing, China. (*Invited Lecture)

[19]     汪伟*2024. 微流控液滴可控制备技术及其集成放大[C]. 见:中国化工学会第二届微化工技术年会,江苏常州2024628-30.*主题报告)

[20]     巨晓洁*2024. 生物医用功能微球的微流控可控精准制备[C]. 见:中国化工学会第二届微化工技术年会,江苏常州2024628-30.*主题报告)

[21]     潘大伟*2024. 限域微通道中液滴界面形变的定量控制及其动力学特性[C]. 见:中国化工学会第二届微化工技术年会,江苏常州2024628-30.*邀请报告)

[22]     邓宇超*2024. 过渡金属催化烯烃/烷烃官能团化构C–C键的研究[C]. 见:中国化工学会第二届微化工技术年会,江苏常州2024628-30.*邀请报告)

[23]     褚良银*2024. 传质与分离过程调控强化新技术[C]. 见:2024化工学科建设与学术前沿高端论坛,上海,2024621-23. *邀请报告)

[24]     褚良银*2024. 传质与分离过程调控强化新技术[C]. 见:中国工程院工程科技学术研讨会——第十四届化工、冶金与材料工程学术会议,大连,2024611-13.

[25]     Chu L.Y.*, Xie R., Ju X.J., Wang W., Liu Z., Pan D.W., 2024. Regulation and Intensification of Mass Transfer and Separation Processes with Innovated Material Structures [C]. The Third International Process Intensification Conference (IPIC3), May 28-31, 2024, Beijing, China. (*Keynote Lecture)

[26]     Wang W.*, 2024. Microfluidic dispersion strategies for functional particle synthesis [C]. The Third International Process Intensification Conference (IPIC3), May 28-31, 2024, Beijing, China. (*Invited Lecture)



[27]     褚良银*,刘壮,谢锐,巨晓洁,汪伟,潘大伟,2023. 智能膜材料的设计构筑及其在分离、检测与控释领域的应用[C]. 见:2023智能材料化工国际峰会,大连20231027-29. *主题报告)

[28]     谢锐*2023. 一种易清洗、高效油包水乳液分离温敏智能膜及其制备方法 [C]. 见:2023中国化工学会年会,广州,20231127-29.*主题报告)

[29]     巨晓洁,2023. 用于水质检测和水处理的新型功能材料[C]. 见:2023智能材料化工国际峰会,大连20231027-29. *邀请报告)

[30]     汪伟,2023. 基于流动调控与传质强化的智能材料微流控检测技术[C]. 见:2023智能材料化工国际峰会,大连20231027-29. *邀请报告)

[31]     褚良银*2023. 智能膜材料的设计构筑与应用展望[C]. 见:未来膜传递理论与技术发展研讨会苏州,20231021-23. *主旨报告)

[32]     褚良银*2023. 精准可控制造微结构功能材料的微流控技术[C]. 见:第十届中国微流控高端学术论坛暨第三届国际微流控产业论坛,苏州昆山,2023922-24. *大会特邀报告

[33]     刘露月, 刘壮, 谢锐, 巨晓洁, 汪伟, 潘大伟, 褚良银*2023. 具有优良光热和电热性能的多孔功能材料在咸水淡化方面的应用[C]. 第十五届全球华人化工学者研讨会Frontier in Chemical Engineering – 15th Global Chinese Chemical Engineers Symposium (GCCES-2023)香港202385-9. *主题报告)

[34]     谢锐*2023. 双向乳化油水分离温敏聚偏氟乙烯膜[C]. 第十五届全球华人化工学者研讨会Frontier in Chemical Engineering – 15th Global Chinese Chemical Engineers Symposium (GCCES-2023)香港202385-9. *主题报告)

[35]     汪伟*2023. 微流控液滴模板法可控构建功能颗粒材料[C]. 第十五届全球华人化工学者研讨会Frontier in Chemical Engineering – 15th Global Chinese Chemical Engineers Symposium (GCCES-2023)香港202385-9. *主题报告

[36]     刘壮*2023. 二维离子分离膜[C]. 第十五届全球华人化工学者研讨会Frontier in Chemical Engineering – 15th Global Chinese Chemical Engineers Symposium (GCCES-2023)香港202385-9. *邀请报告

[37]     巨晓洁*2023. 介入栓塞功能微球的可控精准制备[C]. 见:2023年中国化工学会应星青年论坛,北京,202381-3.*主题报告)

[38]     汪伟*褚良银2023. 基于乳液模板的功能微颗粒可控制备技术[C]. 见:2023年中国化工学会应星青年论坛,北京,202381-3.*主题报告)

[39]     刘壮*2023. 二维离子分离膜[C]. 见:2023年中国化工学会应星青年论坛,北京,202381-3.*主题报告)

[40]     褚良银*2023. 基于材料结构创新的传质与分离过程调控与强化[C]. 见:第七届全国化学工程与生物化工年会,北京,2023728-30. *主题报告)

[41]     巨晓洁*2023. 缓控释给药系统的创新构建[C]. 见:第七届全国化学工程与生物化工年会,北京,2023728-30. *主题报告)

[42]     汪伟*褚良银2023. 微颗粒功能材料的微流控可控构建[C]. 见:第二届全国精细化工大会暨2023大连市科协年会,辽宁大连,2023722-24.

[43]     褚良银*2023. 基于流场和材料结构创新的传质与分离过程调控与强化[C]. 见:中国化工学会第三届全国化工过程强化大会暨化工前沿论坛,杭州,2023721-23. *特邀报告

[44]     巨晓洁*2023. 控释给药系统的创新构建及其传质过程强化[C]. 见:中国化工学会第三届全国化工过程强化大会暨化工前沿论坛,杭州,2023721-23. *特邀报告

[45]     井兰溪,何平,谢锐*,一种抗污染/自清洁的双向油水乳液分离温敏膜[C]. 见:第十一届全国膜与膜过程学术报告会(CCOM2022),成都,2023715-18. *会“优秀壁报奖”

[46]     褚良银*,汪伟,巨晓洁,刘壮,谢锐,潘大伟,2023. 微流控技术在微结构功能材料精准制造领域的应用[C]. 见:第二届微通道反应技术与装备技术研讨与推广会,浙江绍兴,2023520-21.*大会报告)

[47]     褚良银*,谢锐,刘壮,骆枫,张磊,巨晓洁,汪伟,2023. 温度响应智能型高效节能催化膜[C]. 见:膜科学与技术在双碳战略中的应用研讨会,大连,2023512-14.*大会报告)

[48]     褚良银*,谢锐,巨晓洁,汪伟,刘壮,2023. 基于智能膜的传质与分离过程调控与强化[C]. 见:第二届大连理工大学膜分离专题学术研讨会,大连,2023514.*邀请报告)

[49]     汪伟*褚良银2023. 液滴模板法构建功能颗粒材料过程中的介尺度结构调控[C]. 见:第十二届中国颗粒大会,海口,2023421-24.*邀请报告)

[50]     潘大伟*2023. 液滴微流控中的多相流动机理研究[C]. 见:第十二届中国颗粒大会,海口,2023421-24.*口头报告)

[51]     Bi-Cong Wang, Yan Zhang, Po Wang, Xiao-Jie Ju, Mao-Jie Zhang*, Rui Xie, Zhuang Liu, Wei Wang*, Liang-Yin Chu, 2023. Microfluidic fabrication of hydrogel microparticles with MOF-armoured multi-enzymes for cascade biocatalytic reactions [C]. 见:第十二届中国颗粒大会,海口,2023421-24.*口头报告)

[52]     贾智涵,邱月,谢锐*,高性能温敏光子晶体凝胶膜性能研究[C]. 见:第七届全国膜技术青年科学家峰会,天津,202347-9. *邀请报告,博士生论坛分会场召集人与主持人、大会“优秀报告奖”)

[53]     何平,谢锐*,新型双向油水乳液分离膜研究的邀请报告[C]. 见:第七届全国膜技术青年科学家峰会,天津,202347-9. *邀请报告)



[54]     Chu L.Y.*, Wang W., Ju X.J., Xie R., Liu Z., Pan D.W., 2022. Microreaction Technology for Fabrication of Advanced Functional Materials [C]. International Conference of Microreaction Technology (IMRET16) 2022, November 27-30, 2022, Melbourne, Australia (Presentation with a recording mode). (*Plenary Lecture)

[55]     Chu L.Y.*, Xie R., Ju X.J., Wang W., Liu Z., 2022. Control and Intensification of Mass Transfer and Separation Processes with Smart Materials [C]. The 13th World Filtration Congress (WFC 13), October 5-9, 2022, San Diego, California, USA (Presentation with a recording mode). (*Keynote Lecture)

[56]     Chu L.Y.*, Wang W., Ju X.J., Xie R., Liu Z., Pan D.W., 2022. Microfluidic Fabrication of Microstructured Functional Polymeric Materials [C]. International Symposium on Flow Chemistry (ISFC2022) – In honor of Prof. Dong-Pyo Kim, August 15-17, 2022, POSTECH, Korea (Online presentation). (*Invited Lecture)

[57]     Chu L.Y.*, 2022. Regulation and intensification of mass transfer and separation processes with smart materials [C]. International Congress on Separation and Purification Technology (ISPT2022), December 10-14, 2022, Virtual Conference (Online presentation). (*Keynote Lecture)

[58]     褚良银*,汪伟,巨晓洁,刘壮,谢锐,潘大伟,2022. 微结构聚合物功能材料的可控精准制造[C]. 见:精细化工国际学术研讨会,湖南岳阳2022115-8.*邀请报告)(线上报告)

[59]     褚良银*,汪伟,巨晓洁,刘壮,谢锐,潘大伟2022. 面向高端聚合物材料制备的微化工技术[C]. 见:中国化工学会第一届微化工技术年会,东营,202288-10.*大会报告)

[60]     褚良银2022. 石墨烯膜的构筑和分离性能强化[C]. 见:多相介质流动与分离技术学术论坛线上会议2022720.*大会报告)

[61]     褚良银*2022. 基于流场和材料结构创新的传质与分离过程调控与强化[C]. 见:第十四届全球华人化工学者研讨会(GCCES 2022)广州2022812-15. *主题报告(Keynote Lecture

[62]     谢锐*2022. 仿生功能材料的创新设计和性能强化的探索与思考[C]. 见:第十四届全球华人化工学者研讨会(GCCES 2022)广州2022812-15. *主题报告(Keynote Lecture

[63]     汪伟*2022. 微流控法可控制备微颗粒功能材料[C]. 见:中国化工学会第一届微化工技术年会,东营,202288-10.*邀请报告)

[64]     刘壮*2022. 湿法刻蚀法制备玻璃微通道装置及催化微通道的构建[C]. 见:中国化工学会第一届微化工技术年会,东营,202288-10.*邀请报告)

[65]     巨晓洁*2022. 智能化控释给药系统的创新构建[C]. 见:“绿色智能材料与过程科学”前沿论坛(线上会议),郑州,2022612.*邀请报告)

[66]     巨晓洁*2022. 用于水处理和水质检测的新型功能材料[C]. 见:Engineering大讲堂——绿色化工:材料与制造前沿(线上会议),北京,2022416.*邀请报告)

[67]     Deng C.F., Wang W.*, Chu L.Y.*, 2022. Designable microfluidic ladder networks from backstepping analysis of flow resistance for mass production of monodisperse microdroplets [C]. 14th Global Chinese Chemical Engineers Symposium (GCCES-14), August 12-15, 2022, Guangzhou, China.



[68]     Mu X.T., Ju X.J.*, 2021. Microfluidic Fabrication of Structure-Controlled Chitosan Microparticles via Interfacial Crosslinking of droplet templates [C]. UK–China International Particle Technology Forum VIII (PTF8), July 9-13, 2021, Dali, China. (*Invited Lecture)

[69]     Zhang L., Liu Z.*, Liu L.Y., Pan J.L., Luo F., Yang C., Xie R., Ju X.J., Wang W., Chu L.Y.*, 2021. Stable Immobilization of Smart Nanogels with Assistance of Polydopamine for Cell Culture [C]. UK–China International Particle Technology Forum VIII (PTF8), July 9-13, 2021, Dali, China.

[70]     褚良银*2021. 微结构聚合物功能材料精准制造的微化工方法[C]. 见:“绿色化工、冶金与关键材料加工”高端论坛,郑州,20211022-24.*邀请报告)

[71]     褚良银*2021. 微流控:微结构先进功能材料可控构筑新方法[C]. 见:第一届微流控技术创新与应用高峰论坛,浙江乌镇20211015-17.*大会邀请报告)

[72]     谢锐,2021. 智能膜[C]. 见:IFAM2021新材料国际发展趋势高层论坛——先进膜材料论坛20211018,宁波. *邀请报告)

[73]     谢锐,2021. 智能膜在水处理中的应用探索 [C]. 见:2021水处理技术创新与前沿应用学术研讨会暨青年学者论坛,成都,2021522-23. *主旨报告)

[74]     汪伟,2021. 微流控技术可控构建微型化功能材料[C]. 见:绿色化学工程青年论坛—Green Chemical Engineering创刊一周年系列活动之线上论坛(第一场),20211015.

[75]     谢锐, 2021. 智能高分子膜[C]. 13届全球华人化工学者研讨会(13th Global Chinese Chemical Engineers Symposium, September 12-16, 2021, Dalian, China.

[76]     谢锐, 贾智涵,2021. 高灵敏度和宽阈值热致变色光子晶体凝胶的设计与应用[C]. 13届全球华人化工学者研讨会(13th Global Chinese Chemical Engineers Symposium, September 12-16, 2021, Dalian, China.

[77]     巨晓洁, 2021. 非球形功能微颗粒的微流控法可控制备与性能研究[C]. 13届全球华人化工学者研讨会(13th Global Chinese Chemical Engineers Symposium, September 12-16, 2021, Dalian, China.

[78]     刘壮, 2021. 限域离子分离膜[C]. 13届全球华人化工学者研讨会(13th Global Chinese Chemical Engineers Symposium, September 12-16, 2021, Dalian, China.



[79]     褚良银*2020. 微流控技术用于微结构功能材料精准制造 [C]. 见:中国微米纳米技术学会第四届微流控技术应用创新论坛,深圳,2020125-7.*大会报告)

[80]     褚良银*,蔡泉威,巨晓洁,汪伟,谢锐,刘壮,2020. 微流控法可控制备非球形微颗粒功能材料 [C]. 见:第十二届全球华人化工学者研讨会,南京,20201027-112.*主旨报告)

[81]     谢锐,2020. 高性能响应型智能开关膜 [C]. 见:第六届全国膜技术青年科学家峰会深圳,20201127-29. *邀请报告)

[82]     刘壮2020. 功能材料微纳通道中的传质调控与强化 [C]. 见:中国化学会第三届菁青论坛北京20201120-23. *邀请报告)

[83]     谢锐,2020. 智能膜的创新设计及其在生物医药领域的潜在应用 [C]. 见:2020全国医药生物膜技术高端论坛河南长垣2020116-8. *大会邀请报告)

[84]     谢锐,2020. 高性能温度响应型智能开关膜 [C]. 见:第十二届全球华人化工学者研讨会,南京,20201027-112.

[85]     汪伟,2020. 基于微流体操控的功能聚合物材料设计与制备 [C]. 见:第十二届全球华人化工学者研讨会,南京,20201027-112.*未来化工论坛邀请报告)

[86]     汪伟,褚良银*2020. 高端聚合物功能材料制备的微化工过程 [C]. 见:2020中国化工学会科技创新大会,北2020915-16.*主题邀请报告)



[87]     Chu L.Y.*, Xie R., Ju X.J., Wang W., Liu Z., 2019. Smart Membranes [C]. International Soft Matter Symposium 2019 & 8th China Soft Matter Day, August 31 - September 1, 2019, Hangzhou, China. *Plenary Lecture

[88]     Xie R., 2019. Thermo-responsive membranes with nanogels as functional gates [C]. International Soft Matter Symposium 2019 & 8th China Soft Matter Day, August 31 - September 1, 2019, Hangzhou, China. *Keynote Lecture

[89]     Wang W., 2019. Droplet Microfluidics for Engineering Functional Polymeric Materials [C]. International Soft Matter Symposium 2019 & 8th China Soft Matter Day, August 31 - September 1, 2019, Hangzhou, China. *Keynote Lecture

[90]     Chu L.Y.*, Wang W., Ju X.J., Xie R., Liu Z., 2019. Microfluidic Fabrication of Advanced Functional Polymeric Materials [C]. UK-China 11th AMRI Research Workshop, August 30-31, 2019, Chengdu, China. *Keynote Lecture

[91]     Xie R., Luo F., Chu L.Y.*, 2019. Smart gating membranes with thermo-responsive nanogels as functional gates [C]. The 12th Conference of Aseanian Membrane Society (AMS12), July 2-5, 2019, Jeju, Korea. *Invited Lecture

[92]     Chu L.Y.*, Lin S., Wang Y., Yan P.J., Wang W., Liu Z., Ju X.J., Xie R., 2019. Smart Microchips and Membranes for Real-Time Detection and Separation of Trace Threat Analytes in Water [C]. 5th International Conference on Sustainable Chemical Product and Process Engineering (SCPPE 2019), June 30 – July 3, 2019, Tianjin, China. *Keynote Lecture

[93]     Chu L.Y.*, 2019. Artificial Smart Membranes [C]. International Green Chemical Engineering Summit 2019, May 23-25, 2019, Hangzhou, China. *Keynote Lecture

[94]     Liu L.Y., Liu Z.*, Ju X.J., Wang W., Xie R., Chu L.Y.*, 2019. Reduced-Graphene-Oxide-Modified Sponges as Solar-thermal Convertors for Energy Storage and Seawater Purification [C]. UK-China 11th AMRI Research Workshop, August 30-31, 2019, Chengdu, China.

[95]     Liu W.Y., Ju X.J.*, Yousef F., He F., Peng H.Y., Liu Z., Wang W., Xie R., Chu L.Y.*, 2019. Facile Detection of Trace Lead(II) Ions in Water Using Capsules Encapsulated with Smart Nanogels [C]. UK-China 11th AMRI Research Workshop, August 30-31, 2019, Chengdu, China.

[96]     Liu Y.Q., Ju X.J.*, Xie R., Wang W., Liu Z., Chu L.Y., 2019. Simple method for visual detection of lead(II) based on ion-recognition materials and forward osmosis [C]. UK-China 11th AMRI Research Workshop, August 30-31, 2019, Chengdu, China.

[97]     Mu X.T., Ju X.J.*, Faraj Y., Liu Z., Wang W., Xie R., Deng Y., Chu L.Y., 2019. Chitosan Microcapsule Membranes with Nanoscale Thickness for Controlled Release of Drugs [C]. UK-China 11th AMRI Research Workshop, August 30-31, 2019, Chengdu, China.

[98]     Zhao J.J., Wang W.*, Ju X.J., Xie R., Liu Z., Chu L.Y.*, 2019. Transparent Thermal-responsive Hydrogel Grating Immunosensors for Human-IgG Detection [C]. UK-China 11th AMRI Research Workshop, August 30-31, 2019, Chengdu, China.

[99]     Zeng C.Y., Xie R.*, Ju X.J., Wang W., Liu Z., 2019. Poly(vinylidene fluoride) Composite Membranes with Satisfactory Thermo-responsive Characteristics via in-situ Polymerization Method [C]. UK-China 11th AMRI Research Workshop, August 30-31, 2019, Chengdu, China.

[100]  褚良银2019. 微流控法可控制备微结构功能材料 [C]. 见:2019年化工学科建设与学术前沿高端论坛,上海,20191229-30. *邀请报告

[101]  褚良银*,刘壮,谢锐,奚月恒,胡嘉麒,陈志浩,2019. 石墨烯纳米片作为基本单元构筑分离膜的探索与思考 [C]. 见:第六届津膜论坛暨膜材料精准设计与化工应用研讨会,天津20191116.*邀请报告)

[102]  褚良银*,刘壮,谢锐,奚月恒,胡嘉麒,陈志浩,2019. 二维纳米通道结构石墨烯膜的稳定性和分离性能 [C]. 见:第十届全国膜与膜过程学术报告会,北京,20191026-29.*大会邀请报告)

[103]  谢锐2019. 智能高分子膜 [C]. 见:第十届全国膜与膜过程学术报告会,北京,20191026-29.*邀请报告)

[104]  谢锐,2019. 高性能智能膜 [C]. 见:2019中国化工学会年会,青岛,20191017-20. *邀请报告

[105]  汪伟,2019. 微流控法可控制备微尺度功能材料 [C]. 见:2019中国化工学会年会,青岛,20191017-20.*主题报告

[106]  褚良银2019. 微尺度下多相流体相界面微结构的演化与可控性规律 [C]. 见:国家自然科学基金委员会第238期双清论坛“新研究范式下的分子化学与分子工程”,北京,2019828-29. *邀请报告

[107]  褚良银2019. 水中痕量铅离子实时监测芯片和智能膜研究 [C]. 见:化学工程与技术高端学术论坛及学科研讨会,西安交通大学,2019824. *邀请报告

[108]  谢锐2019. 基于智能纳米凝胶开关的智能膜的基础应用研究 [C]. 见:第十届《膜科学与技术》编委会第二次会议,兰州,2019810-14. *邀请报告

[109]  褚良银,刘壮,奚月恒2019. 石墨烯膜的稳定二维纳米通道构筑与分离性能研究 [C]. 见:2019年中西部地区无机化学化工学术研讨会,重庆2019419-22. *主题报告

[110]  刘露月刘壮*,奚月恒,杨仕豪,汪伟,巨晓洁,谢锐,褚良银*2019. 具有短路径二维纳米通道的高效氧化石墨烯膜的制备及性能研究 [C]. 见:第十届全国膜与膜过程学术报告会,北京,20191026-29.

[111]  赵佳佳,汪伟*,谢锐,巨晓洁,刘壮,褚良银*2019. 用于人类免疫球蛋白检测的凝胶光栅膜的制备和性能研究 [C]. 见:第十届全国膜与膜过程学术报告会,北京,20191026-29.

[112]  徐敏航,谢锐*,巨晓洁,汪伟,刘壮,褚良银*2019. 蒸汽诱导相分离法制备具有双连续结构高通量的抗污染膜 [C].见:第十届全国膜与膜过程学术报告会,北京,20191026-29.

[113]  吕荥宾,谢锐*,刘壮,巨晓洁,汪伟,褚良银2019. 用于醇水分离的新型稳定氧化石墨烯膜 [C]. 见:第十届全国膜与膜过程学术报告会,北京,20191026-29. *大会优秀墙报奖)

[114]  刘文英巨晓洁*,谢锐,汪伟,刘壮,褚良银*2019. 封装智能纳米凝胶的囊膜用于简捷移除水中有机污染物 [C]. 见:第十届全国膜与膜过程学术报告会,北京,20191026-29.

[115]  向燕,谢锐*,刘壮,巨晓洁,汪伟,褚良银2019. 高响应性和通量的离子浓度响应型聚醚砜酮智能开关膜 [C]. 见:第十届全国膜与膜过程学术报告会,北京,20191026-29.

[116]  曾崇阳,谢锐*,巨晓洁,汪伟,刘壮,褚良银2019. 原位聚合法制备温度响应性优良的聚偏氟乙烯复合膜 [C]. 见:第十届全国膜与膜过程学术报告会,北京,20191026-29.

[117]  张川, 谢锐, 李晓迎, 褚良银*2019. 迪恩涡强化新型3D螺旋膜性能的研究 [C]. 见:第一届全国过滤与分离学术交流会暨一届三次过滤与分离产业技术协同创新研讨会,德州,2019716-19. *大会青年科技论坛一等奖)

[118]  Xie R., Luo F., Fan X.X., Chu L.Y.*, 2019. Smart gating membranes with responsive nanogels as functional gates [C]. The 14th International Conference of the Membrane Science & Technology (MST2019), June 13-14, 2019, Singapore.

[119]  Liu L.Y., Liu Z.*, Peng H.Y., Mu X.T., Zhao Q., Ju X.J., Wang W., Xie R., Chu L.Y.*, 2019. Reduced Graphene Oxide Modified Sponge Compositing Phase Change Materials for Fast Solar-thermal Conversion and Energy Storage [C]. The 257th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, March 31-April 4, 2019, Orlando, USA.

[120]  Mu X.T., Ju X.J.*, Zhang L., Faraj Y., Liu Z., Wang W., Xie R., Deng Y., Chu L.Y., 2019. One-Step Fabrication of Chitosan Microcapsules with Nanowalls from Single Emulsion Templates [C]. The 257th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, March 31-April 4, 2019, Orlando, USA.*Best Poster Award

[121]  Peng H.Y., Wang W.*, Liu L.Y., Pu X.Q., Liu Z., Ju X.J., Xie R., Chu L.Y.*, 2019. Ultrasensitive Diffraction Gratings based on Smart Hydrogel for High-Selective and Rapid Detection of Trace Heavy Metal Ions [C]. The ACS Spring 2019 National Meeting & Exposition, March 31-April 4, 2019, Orlando, USA.

[122]  Cai Q.W., Ju X.J.*, Chen C., Yousef F., Jia Z.H., Hu J.Q., Xie R., Wang W., Liu Z., Chu L.Y.*, 2019. Fabrication and Flow Characteristics of Monodisperse Bullet-Shaped Microparticles with Controllable Structures [C]. The 257th ACS National Meeting & Exposition. March 31-April 4, 2019, Orlando, USA.

[123]  Pu X.Q., Ju X.J.*, Zhang L., Peng H.Y., Liu Z., Wang W., Xie R., Chu L.Y.*, 2019. Tumor-Targeted Responsive Nanocarriers for Combined Photothermo Therapy and Controlled Drug Release [C]. The 257th ACS National Meeting & Exposition. March 31-April 4, 2019, Orlando, USA.

[124]  Liu Y.Q., Ju X.J.*, Xie R., Wang W., Liu Z., Chu L.Y., 2019. Simple Method for Visual Detection of Lead (II) based on Ion-Recognition Material and Forward Osmosis [C]. The 257th ACS National Meeting & Exposition. March 31-April 4, USA.

[125]  Liu W.Y., Ju X.J.*, Yousef F., He F., Wang Y., Xie R., Wang W., Liu Z., Chu L.Y.*, 2019. Controllable Fabrication of Ultra-Thin Capsules Encapsulated with Smart Nanogels for Simple Detection of Lead(II) Ions [C]. The 257th ACS National Meeting & Exposition. March 31-April 4, 2019, Orlando, USA.



[126]  Chu L.Y.*, 2018. Bioinspired smart gating membranes [C]. 1st International Conference on Bioinspired Materials and Membranes (IBMM2018) in conjunction with 1st International Conference on Energy-efficient Separation (iEESEP2018), January 23-27, 2018, Melbourne, Australia. *Plenary Lecture

[127]  Chu L.Y.*, Xie R., Wang W., Ju X.J., Liu Z., 2018. Control and intensification of mass transfer and separation processes with smart materials [C]. DICP Symposium on Separation in Chemical Industry: New Concepts, Materials and Methods, October 12-14, 2018, Dalian, China. *Keynote Lecture

[128]  Chu L.Y.*, Ma B., Ju X.J., Liu Z., Wang W., Xie R., 2018. Dual responsive smart gating membranes [C]. The 10th Global Chinese Chemical Engineers Symposium (GCCES-10), August 17-20, 2018, Ontario, Canada. *Keynote Lecture

[129]  Xia L.W., Xie R., Ju X.J., Wang W., Liu Z., Chu L.Y.*, 2018. Nano-Structured Smart Hydrogels with Rapid Response and High Elasticity [C]. The 13th Sino-US Forum on Nanoscale Science and Technology, June 29-July 3, 2018, Chengdu, China. *Invited Lecture

[130]  Chu L.Y.*, Ma B., Ju X.J., Liu Z., Luo F., Liu Y.Q., Wang Y., Wang W., Xie R., 2018. Facile Fabrication of Composite Smart Gating Membranes with Dual Thermo- and pH-Responsive Characteristics [C]. The Cross-Strait Senior Conference on Membrane Science & Technology 2018, June 22-24, 2018, Chungli, Taiwan. *Invited Lecture

[131]  Wang W., Xie R., Ju X.J., Liu Z., Chu L.Y.*, 2018. Controllable Microfluidic Fabrication of Functional Microstructured Polymeric Materials [C]. Tsinghua-POSTECH-Kyoto Univ. Joint Students Workshop on Microreactor, February 26, 2018, Beijing, China. *Invited Lecture

[132]  Wang W., 2018. Functional microstructured materials from microfluidics [C]. The 10th Global Chinese Chemical Engineers Symposium (GCCES-10), August 17-20, 2018, Ontario, Canada.

[133]  Liu Z., 2018. Smart hydrogels: Network design and emerging applications [C]. The 10th Global Chinese Chemical Engineers Symposium (GCCES-10), August 17-20, 2018, Ontario, Canada.

[134]  Zhang M.J., Wang W.*, He X.H., Meng Z.J., Xie R., Ju X.J., Liu Z., Chu L.Y.*, 2018. Controllable microfluidic fabrication of bioinspired functional microfibers [C]. 1st International Conference on Bioinspired Materials and Membranes (IBMM2018) in conjunction with 1st International Conference on Energy-efficient Separation (iEESEP2018), January 23-27, 2018, Melbourne, Australia.

[135]  Liu Z., Xie R., Ju X.J., Wang W., Chu L.Y.*, 2018. Ion-responsive smart gating membranes [C]. 1st International Conference on Bioinspired Materials and Membranes (IBMM2018) in conjunction with 1st International Conference on Energy-efficient Separation (iEESEP2018), January 23-27, 2018, Melbourne, Australia.

[136]  汪伟,2018. 微流控法可控构建微尺度功能材料 [C]. 见:化学工程学科发展前沿研讨会(华南理工大学,20181214-16. *主题报告

[137]  刘壮,2018. 功能材料微纳通道中的传质调控与强化 [C]. 见:化学工程学科发展前沿研讨会(华南理工大学,20181214-16. *邀请报告

[138]  谢锐,2018. 环境刺激响应型智能膜——可控制备及其应用 [C]. 见:第三届先进膜材料与技术前沿研讨会,杭州,20181111-13. *大会邀请报告)

[139]  褚良银*,汪伟,巨晓洁,刘壮,谢锐,2018. 微流控法可控制备新型微结构功能材料[C]. 教育部重要人才计划入选者系列论坛化学化工分论坛,厦门,20181026-28. *邀请报告)

[140]  褚良银*,汪伟,巨晓洁,刘壮,谢锐,2018. 微流控法可控制备先进功能材料[C]. 第十一届海峡两岸化学工程学术研讨会,太原,201883-6. *邀请报告)

[141]  褚良银*,汪伟,巨晓洁,刘壮,谢锐,2018. 微流控法可控制备新型微结构功能材料[C]. 2018化学产品工程星海论坛,大连,2018731-82.*邀请报告)

[142]  褚良银*2018. 痕量重金属铅离子检测与分离智能膜研究[C]. 首届先进分离技术与环境保护研讨会,成都,2018727-29.*邀请报告)

[143]  褚良银*2018. 微流控法可控制备新型微结构功能材料[C]. 山东省科学院“微流控数字模拟”专家咨询研讨会,济南,2018722.*主旨报告)

[144]  褚良银*2018. 环境响应型智能开关膜[C]. 中国材料大会2018——D10.高分子材料分会场,厦门,2018712-16.*主旨报告(Keynote))

[145]  褚良银*,谢锐,巨晓洁,汪伟,刘壮,2018. 基于智能材料的传质与分离过程调控与强化[C]. 2018年绿色化工高端论坛暨中国化工学会首届全国化工过程强化大会昆明2018511-13.*大会报告)

[146]  汪伟, 褚良银*, 2018. 微流控法可控构建微尺度功能材料[C]. 国家自然科学基金委员会化学科学部“第八届化学工程青年学者学术交流研讨会”,重庆,2018911-14.

[147]  刘壮, 褚良银*, 2018. 功能材料微纳通道中的传质调控与强化[C]. 国家自然科学基金委员会化学科学部“第八届化学工程青年学者学术交流研讨会”,重庆,2018911-14.

[148]  李志录,汪伟*,李明,唐梦蛟,褚良银2018. 用于污水处理简易制备的纳米催化剂携带型气泡驱动微马达颗粒[C]. 中国化学会第31届学术年会,杭州,201855-8.

[149]  赵倩,谢锐*,巨晓洁,汪伟,刘壮,褚良银2018. 蒸汽诱导相分离法制备高机械强度的聚偏氟乙烯膜及其在油水分离中的应用研究[C]. 中国化学会第31届学术年会,杭州,201855-8.

[150]  张述圭,巨晓洁*,谢锐,汪伟,刘壮,褚良银2018. 基于苯并咪唑作为客体分子的一种新型pH响应性高分子的制备和响应特性研究[C]. 中国化学会第31届学术年会,杭州,201855-8.

[151]  赵余,巨晓洁*,谢锐,汪伟,刘壮,褚良银2018. 基于大分子交联剂的温敏水凝胶的制备与性能研究[C]. 中国化学会第31届学术年会,杭州,201855-8.



[152]  Chu L.Y.*, 2017. Smart membranes for detection and separation of trace lead(II) ions in water [C]. International Workshop on Membranes for Energy & Environmental Sciences (IMEES 2017), November 27-30, 2017, Hefei, China. *Plenary Lecture

[153]  Ju X.J., Liu Z., Wang W., Xie R., Chu L.Y., 2017. K+-Responsive Smart Carriers for Controlled Drug Release [C]. 9th Sino-US Joint Conference of Chemical Engineering (SUCE2017), October 15-19, 2017, Beijing, China. (*Invited Lecture)

[154]  Chu L.Y.*, Wang W., Ju X.J., Xie R., Liu Z., 2017. Microfluidic Synthesis of Advanced Functional Materials [C]. The 17th Congress of the Asian-Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering (APCChE 2017), August 23-27, 2017, Hong Kong, China. *Keynote Lecture

[155]  Wang W., Xie R., Ju X.J., Liu Z., Chu L.Y.*, 2017. Controllable Microfluidic Fabrication of Functional Microstructured Polymeric Materials [C]. The 17th Congress of the Asian-Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering (APCChE 2017), August 23-27, 2017, Hong Kong, China. *Invited Lecture

[156]  Liu Z., Shi K., Wang W., Ju X.J., Xie R., Chu L.Y.*, 2017. Near-Infrared Light-Responsive Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)/Graphene Oxide Nanocomposite Hydrogels with Ultrahigh Tensibility [C]. The 2nd International Symposium for Advanced Gel Materials & Soft Matters, August 20-22, 2017, Guiyang, China. (*Invited Lecture)

[157]  Chu L.Y.*, Wang W., Ju X.J., Xie R., Liu Z., 2017. Microfluidic Synthesis of Advanced Functional Polymeric Materials [C]. Global Chinese Chemical Engineers Symposium (GCCES 2017), July 18-21, 2017, Hangzhou, China. *Keynote Lecture

[158]  Chu L.Y.*, Lin S., Wang W., Ju X.J., Xie R., Liu Z., 2017. Ultrasensitive Microchip based on Smart Microgel for Real-Time On-Line Detection of Trace Threat Analytes [C]. The International Soft Matter Symposium 2017 & 6th China Soft Matter Day, May 18-20, 2017, Shenzhen, China. *Invited Lecture

[159]  谢锐, 褚良银, 2017. 环境刺激响应型智能膜[C]. Global Chinese Chemical Engineers Symposium (GCCES 2017), July 18-21, 2017, Hangzhou, China. *Invited Lecture

[160]  谢锐, 褚良银*, 2017. 环境响应型智能膜材料与膜过程[C]. The First China-Singapore Frontier Technology Innovation Conference& China-Singapore Youth Scholar Forum, July 14-17, 2017, Chongqing, China. *Invited Lecture

[161]  Ju X.J., Liu Z., Wang W., Xie R., Chu L.Y., 2017. Environment-Responsive Smart Systems for Drug Controlled-Release [C]. Global Chinese Chemical Engineers Symposium (GCCES 2017), July 18-21, 2017, Hangzhou, China. *Invited Lecture

[162]  褚良银*2017. 仿生智能开关[C]. 2017年先进膜材料与技术前沿研讨会,浙江工业大学,20171130. *邀请报告)

[163]  褚良银*,汪伟,巨晓洁,刘壮,谢锐,2017. 多相反应过程中颗粒表界面介尺度结构形成机理与反应的定向调控[C]. 2017中国化工学会年会暨成立95周年纪念大会,北京,20171014-15.*邀请报告)

[164]  褚良银*2017. 痕量重金属铅离子检测与分离智能膜研究[C]. 2017中国化工学会年会暨成立95周年纪念大会,北京,20171014-15.*主题报告)

[165]  褚良银*谢锐,巨晓洁,汪伟,刘壮,2017. 基于智能材料的传质与分离过程调控与强化 [C]. 化学工程学科发展前沿研讨会清华大学201791-3.*大会主题报告)

[166]  刘壮,巨晓洁,谢锐,汪伟,褚良银*2017. 功能膜的微纳孔结构设计及其传质过程调控与强化[C]. 第五届中国膜科学与技术报告会,北京,2017121-3.*邀请报告)

[167]  刘壮*2017. 功能材料的微纳结构设计构建及其性能调控与强化 [C]. 学工程学科发展前沿研讨会清华大学201791-3.*大会邀请报告)

[168]  谢锐,2017. 环境刺激响应型智能膜:制备、性能与应用[C]. 见:第四届津膜论坛暨膜材料创新研究进展学术研讨会,天津,2017421-23. *大会邀请报告)

[169]  褚良银*,谢锐,巨晓洁,汪伟,刘壮,2017. 基于智能高分子响应行为的传质与分离过程调控与强化研究[C]. 见:第三届有机功能材料研讨会,河南新乡,201746-9. *大会邀请报告)

[170]  汪伟, 褚良银*, 2017. 微流控法构建微尺度相界面及功能材料 [C]. 国家自然科学基金委员会化学科学部“第七届化学工程青年学者学术交流研讨会”,上海,2017911-13. *优秀论文奖)

[171]  张川,谢锐,李晓迎,张莉萍,褚良银*2017. 新型3D结构复合膜的构建与膜过程的强化[C]. 第五届中国膜科学与技术报告会,北京,2017121-3.

[172]  刘壮,褚良银*2017. 氧化石墨烯基膜的构筑及其一价/多价离子分离性能的研究[C]. 第三届全国膜技术研究与应用青年科学家论坛,河南郑州,20171117-19.

[173]  刘壮谢锐,巨晓洁,汪伟,褚良银*2017. 高强度智能水凝胶的构筑与性能调控[C]. 2017中国化工学会年会暨成立95周年纪念大会,北京,20171014-15.

[174]  汪伟,谢锐,巨晓洁,刘壮,褚良银*2017. 基于界面反应的液滴破裂现象制备油包水型纳米乳液[C]. 2017中国化工学会年会暨成立95周年纪念大会,北京,20171014-15.

[175]  刘壮, 褚良银*, 2017. 功能材料的微纳结构设计构建及其性能调控与强化 [C]. 国家自然科学基金委员会化学科学部“第七届化学工程青年学者学术交流研讨会”,上海,2017911-13.

[176]  Yang C., Liu Z., Chen C., Shi K., Zhang L., Ju X.J., Wang W., Xie R., Chu L.Y.*, 2017. Reduced Graphene OxideContaining Smart Hydrogels with Excellent ElectroResponse and Mechanical Property for Soft Actuators [C]. The 17th Congress of the Asian-Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering (APCChE 2017), August 23-27, 2017, Hong Kong, China.

[177]  Chu L.Y., Luo F., Xie R., Liu Z., Ju X.J., Wang W., 2017. Smart gating membranes with in situ assembled responsive nanogels as functional gates [C]. 2017 International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes (ICOM2017), July 29-August 4, 2017, San Francisco, USA.

[178]  Wang W., Zou X.Y., Sun Y.M., Xie R., Ju X.J., Liu Z., Chu L.Y.*, 2017. Smart nanogel-containing membranes in microchip for temperature- and ethanol-responsive permeability regulation [C]. 2017 International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes (ICOM2017), July 29-August 4, 2017, San Francisco, USA.

[179]  Liu Z., Xie R., Ju X.J., Wang W., Chu L.Y.*, 2017. Ion-responsive smart gating membranes [C]. 2017 International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes (ICOM2017), July 29-August 4, 2017, San Francisco, USA.

[180]  He F., Wang W., Li M., Xie R., Ju X.J., Liu Z., Chu L.Y.*, 2017. Controllable multicompartmental capsules with distinct cores and membranes for synergistic release [C]. 2017 International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes (ICOM2017), July 29-August 4, 2017, San Francisco, USA.

[181]  Zhang L.P., Liu Z., Xie R., Ju X.J., Wang W., Chu L.Y.*, 2017. Reactive polyether sulfone membranes with in situ assembled catalytic nanoparticles on pore surfaces for water purification [C]. 2017 International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes (ICOM2017), July 29-August 4, 2017, San Francisco, USA.

[182]  Wang W., Xie R., Ju X.J., Liu Z., Chu L.Y.*, 2017. Membranes in Microchip Containing Smart Nanogels for Temperature- and Ethanol-responsive Permeability Regulation [C]. Global Chinese Chemical Engineers Symposium (GCCES 2017), July 18-21, 2017, Hangzhou, China.

[183]  Shi K, Liu Z., Yang C., Xiao-Ying Li X.Y., Sun Y.M., Deng Y., Wang W., Xiao-Jie Ju X.J., Xie R., Chu L.Y.*, 2017. Novel Biocompatible Thermo-Responsive Poly(N-vinyl Caprolactam)/Clay Nanocomposite Hydrogels with Macro-porous Structure and Improved Mechanical Characteristics [C]. Global Chinese Chemical Engineers Symposium (GCCES 2017), July 18-21, 2017, Hangzhou, China.

[184]  Chu L.Y., Wang W., Ju X.J., Xie R., Liu Z., 2017. Microfluidic Synthesis of Advanced Functional Polymeric Materials [C]. The 9th International Symposium on Microchemistry and Microsystems (ISMM), June 26-29, 2017, Hobart, Australia.

[185]  Chu L.Y.*, 2017. Stimuli-Responsive Smart Gating Membranes [C]. 2017 MRS Spring Meeting - Symposium SM7: Emerging Membrane Materials for Sustainable Separations, April 17-21, 2017, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.

[186]  Ju X.J., Jiang M.Y., Liu Z., Wang W., Xie R., Chu L.Y., 2017. Microfluidic Synthesis of Composite Hollow Microfibers for K+-Responsive Controlled Release [C]. The 9th International Symposium on Microchemistry and Microsystems (ISMM), June 26-29, 2017, Hobart, Australia.

[187]  Wang W., Meng Z.J., Liang X., Zheng W.C., Deng N.N., Xie R., Ju X.J., Liu Z., Chu L.Y.*, 2017. Plug-n-play microfluidic systems from flexible assembly of glass-based flow-control modules [C]. The 9th International Symposium on Microchemistry and Microsystems (ISMM), June 26-29, 2017, Hobart, Australia.

[188]  Liu Z., Deng K., Luo F., Xie R., He X.H., Jiang M.Y., Ju X.J., Wang W., Chu L.Y.*, 2017. Controllable Fabrication of Polyethersulfone Hollow Fiber Membranes with a Facile Double Co-Axial Microfluidic Device [C]. The 9th International Symposium on Microchemistry and Microsystems (ISMM), June 26-29, 2017, Hobart, Australia.

[189]  Zhang L., Liu Z.*, Liu L.Y., Ju X.J., Wang W., Xie R., Chu L.Y.*, 2017. Smart Thermo-Responsive Nanocatalysts for Self-Regulation of High Exothermic Reactions [C]. The 253rd ACS National Meeting, April 2-6, 2017, San Francisco, USA.

[190]  Wang Y., Liu Z.*, Peng H.Y., Zhang L., Wang W., Ju X.J., Xie R., Chu L.Y.*, 2017. Smart microgels as functional valves for detection of Pb2+ [C]. The 253rd ACS National Meeting, April 2-6, 2017, San Francisco, USA.

[191]  Deng K., Liu Z.*, Luo F., Xie R., Ju X.J., Wang W., Chu L.Y.*, 2017. Microfluidic spinning of Polyethersulfone hollow fiber membranes [C]. The 253rd ACS National Meeting, April 2-6, 2017, San Francisco, USA.

[192]  Zhang C., Xie R.*, Wu W., Li X.Y., Liu Z., Ju X.J., Wang W., Chu L.Y.*, 2017. Construction of a Novel Composite Membrane with 3D Structure for Process Intensification of Membrane Separation [C]. The 253rd ACS National Meeting, April 2-6, 2017, San Francisco, USA.

[193]  Hu J.Q., Xi Y.H., Liu Z.*, Xie R., Ju X.J., Wang W., Chu L.Y.*, 2016, Graphene Oxide Membranes with Strong Stability in Aqueous Solutions and Controllable Lamellar Spacing [C]. The 253rd ACS National Meeting, April 2-6, 2017, San Francisco, USA.

[194]  Li X.Y., Xie R.*, Jia Z.H., Shi K., Ju X.J., Wang W., Liu Z., Chu L.Y.*, 2017. CO2-Responsive Poly(N,N-dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate) Hydrogels with Fast Responsive Rate [C]. The 253rd ACS National Meeting, April 2-6, 2017, San Francisco, USA.

[195]  杨超,刘壮*,陈晨,石琨,张磊,汪伟,巨晓洁,谢锐,褚良银*2017. Reduced graphene oxide-containing smart hydrogels with excellent electro-response and mechanical property for soft actuators [C]. 见:第十届全国软物质与生命物质物理学术会议,厦门,2017324-28.

[196]  李明,汪伟*,何帆,晏姗,谢锐,巨晓洁,刘壮,褚良银*2017. Monodisperse Na2SO4·10H2O@SiO2 microparticles against super-cooling and phase separation during phase change for efficient energy storage [C]. 见:第十届全国软物质与生命物质物理学术会议,厦门,2017324-28.

[197]  游相如,何帆,巨晓洁*,刘壮,汪伟,谢锐,褚良银2017. Polymersomes with rapid K+-induced drug release behavior [C]. 见:第十届全国软物质与生命物质物理学术会议,厦门,2017324-28.

[198]  范晓星,谢锐*,刘壮,巨晓洁,汪伟,褚良银*2017. 共混纳米凝胶微球的pH响应智能开关膜的制备及性能研究[C]. 见:第十届全国软物质与生命物质物理学术会议,厦门,2017324-28.



[199]  Chu L.Y.*, Wang W., Ju X.J., Xie R., Liu Z., 2016. Drop microfluidics: A versatile and promising approach for fabricating functional granular materials [C]. Lab on a Chip International Symposium: Droplet-based Microfluidics, 12-13 November, 2016, Hangzhou, China. *Invited Lecture

[200]  Chu L.Y.*, 2016. Stimuli-Responsive Smart Gating Membranes [C]. The 10th Conference of Aseanian Membrane Society (AMS10), July 26-29, 2016, Nara, Japan. *Plenary Lecture

[201]  Chu L.Y.*, Wang W., Ju X.J., Xie R., Liu Z., 2016. Microfluidic synthesis of advanced functional materials [C]. The 14th International Microreaction Technology Conference (IMRET14), September 12-14, 2016, Beijing, China. *Keynote Lecture

[202]  Chu L.Y.*, Liu Z., Xi Y.H., Hu J.Q., Xie R., Ju X.J., Wang W., 2016. Graphene oxide membranes with strong stability in aqueous solutions and controllable lamellar spacing [C]. DICP Symposium on Inorganic Membranes: New Concepts, Methods and Applications, August 23, 2016, Dalian, China. *Invited Lecture

[203]  Chu L.Y.*, Lin S., Wang W., Ju X.J., Xie R., Liu Z., 2016. Ultrasensitive Microchip based on Smart Microgel for Real-Time On-Line Detection of Trace Threat Analytes [C]. Frontiers in Chemical Engineering - The 8th Global Chinese Chemical Engineers Symposium (GCCES-8), July 19-22, 2016, Singapore. *Invited Lecture

[204]  Chu L.Y.*, Lin S., Wang W., Ju X.J., Xie R., Liu Z., 2016. Ultrasensitive Microchip based on Smart Microgel for real-time On-line Detection of Trace Threat Analytes [C]. The 8th International Symposium on Microchemistry and Microsystems (ISMM 2016), May 30 -June 1, 2016, Hong Kong. *Invited K.C. Wong Education Foundation Lecture

[205]  Chu L.Y.*, Luo F., Xie R., Liu Z., Ju X.J., Wang W., 2016. Smart gating membranes with in situ assembled responsive nanogels as functional gates [C]. International Soft Matter Symposium 2016 (ISMS 2016), June 25-27, 2016, Tianjin, China. *Invited Lecture

[206]  Chu L.Y.*, Xie R., Liu Z., Ju X.J., Wang W., 2016. Smart Membranes for Molecular-Recognizable Separations [C]. The 12th World Filtration Congress (WFC 12), April 11-15, 2016, Taipei. *Keynote Lecture

[207]  Luo F., Xie R., Ju X.J., Wang W., Liu Z., Chu L.Y.*, 2016. Effects of Fabrication Conditions on the Microstructures and Performances of Smart Gating Membranes with in situ Assembled Nanogels as Gates [C]. 2016 AIChE Annual Meeting, November 13-18, 2016, San Francisco, CA, USA.

[208]  Ju X.J.*, Yang X.L., Mu X.T., Wang W., Xie R., Liu Z., Chu L.Y., 2016. Core-Shell Chitosan Microcapsules for Programmed Sequential Drug Release [C]. 2016 AIChE Annual Meeting, November 13-18, 2016, San Francisco, CA, USA.

[209]  Zhang L., Liu Z.*, Wang Y., Xie R., Ju X.J., Wang W., Lin L.G., Chu L.Y.*, 2016. Facile on-wall immobilization of Ag nanoparticles in microreactors for catalytic applications [C]. The 14th International Microreaction Technology Conference (IMRET14), September 12-14, 2016, Beijing, China.

[210]  Li M., Wang W.*, Zhang Z.G., He F., Yan S., Yan P.J., Xie R., Ju X.J., Liu Z., Chu L.Y.*, 2016. Microfluidic fabrication of uniform SiO2 microparticles containing controllable content of Na2SO4·10H2O for thermo-regulation [C]. The 14th International Microreaction Technology Conference (IMRET14), September 12-14, 2016, Beijing, China.

[211]  Xie R., Luo F., Zhao Q., Lin S., Liu Z., Ju X.J., Wang W., Chu L.Y.*, 2016. Stimuli-Responsive Membranes with in situ Self-assembled Nanogels as Functional Gates [C]. The 10th Conference of Aseanian Membrane Society (AMS10), July 26-29, 2016, Nara, Japan.

[212]  Ju X.J.*, Jiang M.Y., Liu Z., Wang W., Xie R., Chu L.Y.*, 2016. Microfluidic Synthesis of Composite Hollow Microfiber Membranes for K+-Responsive Controlled Release [C]. The 10th Conference of Aseanian Membrane Society (AMS10), July 26-29, 2016, Nara, Japan.

[213]  He F., Wang W.*, He X.H., Yang X.L., Li M., Xie R., Ju X.J., Liu Z., Chu L.Y.*, 2016. Controllable Multi-Compartmental Capsule Membranes with Distinct Cores and Shell Membranes for Synergistic Release [C]. The 10th Conference of Aseanian Membrane Society (AMS10), July 26-29, 2016, Nara, Japan.

[214]  Liu Z., Xi Y.H., Hu J.Q., Xie R., Ju X.J., Wang W., Chu L.Y.*, 2016, Graphene Oxide Membranes with Strong Stability in Aqueous Solutions and Controllable Lamellar Spacing [C]. The 10th Conference of Aseanian Membrane Society (AMS10), July 26-29, 2016, Nara, Japan.

[215]  Xie R., Luo F., Zhao Q., Liu Z., Ju X.J., Wang W., Chu L.Y.*, 2016. Thermo-Responsive Membranes with in situ Self-assembled Nanogels as Functional Gates [C]. Frontiers in Chemical Engineering - The 8th Global Chinese Chemical Engineers Symposium (GCCES-8), July 19-22, 2016, Singapore.

[216]  Ju X.J.*, Liu Z., Wang W., Xie R., Chu L.Y., 2016. Innovation and mass-transfer process intensification of environment-responsive smart systems for drug controlled-release [C]. Frontiers in Chemical Engineering - The 8th Global Chinese Chemical Engineers Symposium (GCCES-8), July 19-22, 2016, Singapore.

[217]  Wang W.*, He F., He X.H., Yang X.L., Li M., Xie R., Ju X.J., Liu Z., Chu L.Y.*, 2016. Controllable Multi-Compartmental Capsules with Distinct Cores and Shells for Synergistic Release [C]. Frontiers in Chemical Engineering - The 8th Global Chinese Chemical Engineers Symposium (GCCES-8), July 19-22, 2016, Singapore. (*Materials Horizons Paper Prize)

[218]  Liu Z., Yao C., Yang C., Wang W., Ju X.J., Xie R., Chu L.Y.*, 2016, Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-Clay Nanocomposite Hydrogels with Responsive Bending Property as Temperature-Controlled Manipulators [C]. Frontiers in Chemical Engineering - The 8th Global Chinese Chemical Engineers Symposium (GCCES-8), July 19-22, 2016, Singapore.

[219]  Xie R.*, Zheng W.C., He L.Q., Xi Y.H., Liu Y.M., Meng Z.J., Wang W., Ju X.J., Chu L.Y., 2016. Enhanced H-Filter Based On Fåhræus-Lindqvist Effect for Efficient and Robust Dialysis Without Membrane [C]. The 8th International Symposium on Microchemistry and Microsystems (ISMM 2016), May 30 -June 1, 2016, Hong Kong. CHEMINAS Poster Award

[220]  Ju X.J.*, Yang X.L., Mu X.T., Wang W., Xie R., Liu Z., Chu L.Y., 2016. Core-Shell Chitosan Microcapsules for Programmed Sequential Drug Release [C]. The 8th International Symposium on Microchemistry and Microsystems (ISMM 2016), May 30 -June 1, 2016, Hong Kong.

[221]  Wang W.*, He X.H., Liu Y.M., Jiang M.Y., Wu F., Ke D., Liu Z., Ju X.J., Xie R., Chu L.Y.*, 2016. Microfluidic Fabrication of Bio-Inspired Microfibers with Controllable Magnetic Spindle-Knots for 3D Assembly and Water Collection [C]. The 8th International Symposium on Microchemistry and Microsystems (ISMM 2016), May 30 -June 1, 2016, Hong Kong.

[222]  Liu Z.*, Zhang L., Ju X.J., Wang W., Xie R., Chu L.Y.*, 2016. A Smart Microreactor Equipped with Responsive Catalytic Nanoparticles On Microchannels [C]. The 8th International Symposium on Microchemistry and Microsystems (ISMM 2016), May 30 -June 1, 2016, Hong Kong.

[223]  Zhang L., Liu Z., Wang W., Xie R., Ju X.J., Chu L.Y.*, 2016. Facile On-Wall Immobilization of Ag Nanoparticles in Microchannel Reactors for Catalytic Applications [C]. The 8th International Symposium on Microchemistry and Microsystems (ISMM 2016), May 30 -June 1, 2016, Hong Kong.

[224]  Zou X.Y., Xie R., Ju X.J., Wang W., Liu Z., Chu L.Y.*, 2016. Online Monitoring of Ethanol Concentration Using a Smart Microfluidic Membrane Device [C]. The 8th International Symposium on Microchemistry and Microsystems (ISMM 2016), May 30 -June 1, 2016, Hong Kong.

[225]  Xie R., Song X.L., Ju X.J., Wang W., Liu Z., Chu L.Y.*, 2016. Ethanol-Responsive PVDF Membranes with PNIPAM Nanogels as Functional Gates [C]. The 12th World Filtration Congress (WFC 12), April 11-15, 2016, Taipei.

[226]  Xi Y.H., Hu J.Q., Liu Z.*, Xie R., Ju X.J., Wang W., Chu L.Y.*, 2016. Graphene Oxide Membranes with Strong Stability in Aqueous Solutions and Controllable Lamellar Spacing [C]. The 12th World Filtration Congress (WFC 12), April 11-15, 2016, Taipei.

[227]  Luo F., Xie R., Ju X.J., Wang W., Liu Z., Chu L.Y.*, 2016. Effects of Fabrication Conditions on the Structures and Performances of Smart Membranes with in Situ Self-Assembled Nanogels as Gates [C]. The 12th World Filtration Congress (WFC 12), April 11-15, 2016, Taipei.

[228]  He F., Ju X.J., Wang W., Xie R., Liu Z., Chu L.Y.*, 2016. pH-Responsive Controlled Release Characteristics of Solutes with Different Molecular Weights Diffusing Across Membranes of Ca-Alginate/Protamine/Silica Hybrid Capsules [C]. The 12th World Filtration Congress (WFC 12), April 11-15, 2016, Taipei. *Student Poster Award

[229]  巨晓洁*, 2016. 环境响应型智能控释给药系统[C]. 见:曲阜师范大学“化工论坛-2016,山东曲阜,2016年11月25-27日. *特邀报告)

[230]  褚良银*2016. 环境响应型智能开关膜研究新进展[C]. 见:第九届全国膜与膜过程学术报告会,上海,20161111-14.*大会邀请报告)

[231]  褚良银*2016. 痕量铅离子检测与分离智能膜研究[C]. 见:第五届中国电驱动膜技术研讨会,浙江杭州,2016119-11.*大会邀请报告)

[232]  谢锐,褚良银*2016. 环境刺激响应型智能膜[C]. 见:第九届全国膜与膜过程学术报告会,上海,20161111-14.*邀请报告)

[233]  Chu L.Y.*, Lin S., Wang W., Ju X.J., Xie R., Liu Z., 2016. Ultrasensitive microchip based on smart microgel for real-time on-line detection of trace threat analytes [C]. 见:2016第九届两岸化学工程学术研讨会,台湾中兴大学,20161017-21. *邀请报告)

[234]  褚良银*, 2016. 微流控法制备单分散控制释放药物载体[C]. 见:中国药学会2016年制药工程专业委员会学术年会暨全国制药工程科技与教育研讨会,四川成都,20161015-17. *大会邀请报告)

[235]  褚良银*2016. 微流控法可控制备单分散微尺度颗粒功能材料的新进展[C]. 见:中国颗粒学会第九届学术年会暨海峡两岸颗粒技术研讨会,成都,2016812-14.*大会邀请报告)

[236]  褚良银*2016. 环境响应型智能膜材料与膜过程 [C]. 见:福建省“第十三次鼓岭科学会议”,泉州,2016619-21.*邀请报告)

[237]  褚良银*2016. 重金属铅离子污染水处理膜材料与膜过程研究 [C]. 见:京津冀环境污染控制国际论坛暨第三届津膜论坛,天津,2016424. *邀请报告)

[238]  褚良银*2016. 环境响应型智能化控制释放系统 [C]. 见:四川省畜牧兽医学会动物预防医学分会暨动物疫病防控与食品安全四川省重点实验室学术报告会,成都,2016128. *邀请报告)

[239]  谢锐,邹笑一,宋筱露,骆枫,褚良银*2016. 醇响应型智能微通道膜的制备和可视化在线乙醇浓度检测[C]. 见:海峡两岸第五届膜科学技术高级研讨会暨“清山杯”研究生论坛(The 5th Cross-Strait Seminar of Membrane Science and Technology & the “Qingshan Cup” Graduate Forum),江西上饶,2016812-15. *邀请报告)

[240]  巨晓洁*, 2016. 环境响应型智能控释给药系统[C]. 见:中国药学会2016年制药工程专业委员会学术年会暨全国制药工程科技与教育研讨会,四川成都,20161015-17. *邀请报告)

[241]  巨晓洁*,王小雪,刘壮,汪伟,谢锐,褚良银*2016. 静电喷射技术制备具有特定大小/结构的单分散壳聚糖微颗粒[C]. 见:中国颗粒学会第九届学术年会暨海峡两岸颗粒技术研讨会,成都,2016812-14. *邀请报告)

[242]  巨晓洁,2016. 环境响应型智能控释给药系统的基础研究 [C]. 见:化工学科国家优秀青年基金获得者学术研讨会,杭州,2016321-24. *邀请报告)

[243]  谢锐,褚良银*,面向化工过程调控与强化的智能膜研究 [C]. 国家自然科学基金委员会化学科学部第六届化学工程青年学者学术交流研讨会,成都,2016713-15. *优秀论文奖

[244]  巨晓洁*, 2016. 能化控制释放系统的创新及其传质过程强化基础研 [C]. 国家自然科学基金委员会化学科学部“第六届化学工程青年学者学术交流研讨会”,成都2016713-15.

[245]  汪伟, 褚良银*, 2016. 微流控法可控制备新型功能材料 [C]. 国家自然科学基金委员会化学科学部“第六届化学工程青年学者学术交流研讨会”,成都,2016713-15. *优秀论文奖

[246]  刘壮, 褚良银*, 2016. 高强度智能水凝胶的构筑与性能调控 [C]. 国家自然科学基金委员会化学科学部“第六届化学工程青年学者学术交流研讨会”,成都,2016713-15. *优秀论文奖

[247]  He F., Wang W., He X.H., Yang X.L., Li M., Xie R., Ju X.J., Liu Z., Chu L.Y.*, 2016. Controllable Multi-Compartmental Capsule Membranes with Distinct Cores and Shell Membranes for Synergistic Release [C]. 见:海峡两岸第五届膜科学技术高级研讨会暨“清山杯”研究生论坛(The 5th Cross-Strait Seminar of Membrane Science and Technology & the “Qingshan Cup” Graduate Forum),江西上饶,2016812-15.*研究生论坛学术报告二等奖)

[248]  刘壮,褚良银2016. Pb2+/K+离子识别响应智能开关膜的设计与研究[C]. 见:第二届全国膜技术研究与应用青年科学家论坛,大连,20161118-20.

[249]  奚月恒,胡嘉麒,刘壮*,谢锐,巨晓洁,汪伟,褚良银*2016. 层间距可控的超稳定氧化石墨烯膜的制备及其性能研究[C]. 见:第九届全国膜与膜过程学术报告会,上海,20161111-14.

[250]  武文, 曹越, 谢锐*, 刘壮, 巨晓洁, 汪伟, 褚良银, 2016. 膜孔形状对多孔膜渗透性影响规律的数值模拟与实验研究[C].见:第九届全国膜与膜过程学术报告会,上海,20161111-14.

[251]  赵倩,谢锐*,刘壮,巨晓洁,汪伟,褚良银2016. 蒸汽诱导相分离成膜参数与聚偏氟乙烯膜构效关系的影响[C]. 见:第九届全国膜与膜过程学术报告会,上海,20161111-14.

[252]  刘壮,张磊,巨晓洁,谢锐,汪伟,褚良银*2016. 温敏智能催化剂的制备及其性能研究[C]. 见:中国颗粒学会第九届学术年会暨海峡两岸颗粒技术研讨会,成都,2016812-14.

[253]  谢锐,2016. 具有纳米凝胶原位自组装功能开关的智能膜 [C]. 见:第一届高分子学科国家重点实验室青年学者学术交流会,长春,201617-9.



[254]  Chu L.Y.*, Wang W., Ju X.J., Xie R., Liu Z., 2015. Drop microfluidics: A versatile and promising approach to fabricate functional granular materials [C]. The 8th Sino-US Joint Conference of Chemical Engineering, October 12-16, 2015, Shanghai, China. *Invited Lecture

[255]  Chu L.Y.*, Luo F., Xie R., Liu Z., Ju X.J., Wang W., 2015. Smart gating membranes with in situ self-assembled responsive nanogels as functional gates [C]. The 9th Conference of Aseanian Membrane Society (AMS9), July 19-21, 2015, Taipei. Invited Lecture

[256]  Chu L.Y.*, Wang W., Ju X.J., Xie R., Liu Z., Zhang M.J., 2015. Drop microfluidics: A versatile and promising approach to generate functional polymeric microparticles [C]. International Soft Matter Symposium (ISMS 2015), May 17-18, 2015, Foshan, China. *Plenary Lecture

[257]  Chu L.Y.*, Xie R., Ju X.J., Wang W., Liu Z., 2015. Smart microcapsule membranes for stimuli-responsive controlled-release [C]. 2015 Engineering with Membranes (EWM2015), May 6-10, 2015, Beijing, China. *Invited Lecture

[258]  Chu L.Y.*, 2015. Regulation and intensification of mass-transfer and separation processes with smart materials [C]. Frontier in Chemical Engineering – the 7th Global Chinese Chemical Engineers Symposium, July 12-15, 2015, Tianjin, China.

[259]  Chu L.Y.*, Xie R., Liu Z., Ju X.J., Wang W., 2015. Stimuli-responsive smart membranes [C]. The 7th China-Japan Symposium on Chemical Engineering, October 16-18, 2015, Beijing, China.

[260]  Chu L.Y.*, Liu Z., 2015. Stimuli-responsive smart membranes for controlled release and separations [C]. 2015 AIChE Annual Meeting, November 8-13, 2015, Salt Lake City, USA.

[261]  Xie R., Luo T, Ju X.J., Wang W., Liu Z., Chu L.Y.*, 2015. pH-Responsive poly(ether sulfone) composite membranes blended with amphiphilic polystyrene-block-poly(acrylic acid) copolymers [C]. 2015 AIChE Annual Meeting, November 8-13, 2015, Salt Lake City, USA.

[262]  Wu F., Wang W., Ju X.J., Xie X., Liu Z., Chu L.Y.*, 2015. Monodisperse core-shell microparticles with ultrathin hybrid shell for rapid enzymatic reaction [C]. 2015 AIChE Annual Meeting, November 8-13, 2015, Salt Lake City, USA.

[263]  Liu Z., Ju X.J., Xie R., Wang W., Chu L.Y.*, 2015. Smart gating membranes with k+-responsive pore size and surface property [C]. 2015 AIChE Annual Meeting, November 8-13, 2015, Salt Lake City, USA.

[264]  Zhang M.J., Wang W., Yang X.L., Ma B., Liu Y.M., Xie R., Ju X.J., Liu Z., Chu L.Y.*, 2015. Uniform microparticles with controllable highly-interconnected hierarchical porous structures [C]. 2015 AIChE Annual Meeting, November 8-13, 2015, Salt Lake City, USA.

[265]  Yao C., Liu Z., Yang C., Wang W., Ju X.J., Xie R., Chu L.Y.*, 2015. Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-clay nanocomposite hydrogels with responsive bending property as temperature-controlled manipulators [C]. 2015 AIChE Annual Meeting, November 8-13, 2015, Salt Lake City, USA.

[266]  Jiang M.Y., Ju X.J., Fang L., Liu Z., Yu H.R., Jiang L., Wang W., Xie R., Chen Q.M., Chu L.Y.*, 2015. A novel, smart microsphere with K+-induced shrinking and aggregating properties based on a responsive host-guest system [C]. 2015 AIChE Annual Meeting, November 8-13, 2015, Salt Lake City, USA.

[267]  Meng Z.J, Wang W, Liang X, Zheng W.C, Deng N.N, Xie R, Ju X.J, Liu Z, Chu L.Y.*, 2015. Plug-n-play microfluidic systems from flexible assembly of glass-based flow-control modules[C]. 2015 AIChE Annual Meeting, November 8-13, 2015, Salt Lake City, USA.

[268]  Yang C., Wang W., Yao C., Xie R., Ju X.J., Liu Z., Chu L.Y.*, 2015. Hydrogel walkers with electro-driven motility for cargo transport [C]. 2015 AIChE Annual Meeting, November 8-13, 2015, Salt Lake City, USA.

[269]  Zhang L., Wang W., Ju X.J., Xie R., Liu Z., Chu L.Y.*, 2015. Fabrication of glass-based microfluidic devices with dry film photoresists as pattern transfer masks for wet etching [C]. 2015 AIChE Annual Meeting, November 8-13, 2015, Salt Lake City, USA.

[270]  Shi K., Liu Z., Xie R., Ju X.J., Wang W., Chu L.Y.*, 2015. Near-infrared light-responsive poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)/graphene oxide nanocomposite hydrogels with ultrahigh tensibility. 2015 AIChE Annual Meeting, November 8-13, 2015, Salt Lake City, USA.

[271]  Wei Y.Y., Liu Z., Zhu L., Xie R., Ju X.J., Wang W., Chu L.Y.*, 2015. Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-benzo-12-crown-4-acrylamide) hydrogels with dual molecular-/ion-recognition responsive properties [C]. 2015 AIChE Annual Meeting, November 8-13, 2015, Salt Lake City, USA.

[272]  He X.H., Wang W., Liu Y.M., Jiang M.Y., Wu F., Deng K., Liu Z., Ju X.J., Xie R., Chu L.Y.*, 2015. Microfluidic fabrication of bio-inspired microfibers with controllable magnetic spindle-knots for 3D assembly and water collection [C]. The 8th Sino-US Joint Conference of Chemical Engineering, October 12-16, 2015, Shanghai, China.

[273]  Yang C., Liu Z., Yao C., Wang W., Xie R., Ju X.J., Chu L.Y.*, 2015. Electro-responsive hydrogels with improved responsive characteristics and mechanical properties [C]. The 8th Sino-US Joint Conference of Chemical Engineering, October 12-16, 2015, Shanghai, China.

[274]  Yao C., Liu Z., Xu T.T., Yang C., Wang W., Xie R., Ju X.J., Chu L.Y.*, 2015. Smart actuators based on programmable thermo-responsive nanocomposite 3D hydrogels [C]. The 8th Sino-US Joint Conference of Chemical Engineering, October 12-16, 2015, Shanghai, China.

[275]  Wu F., Wang W.*, Liu L., Ju X.J., Xie R., Liu Z., Chu L.Y.*, 2015. Monodisperse hybrid microcapsule membranes with ultrathin submicron thickness for rapid enzyme reaction [C]. The 9th Conference of Aseanian Membrane Society (AMS9), July 19-21, 2015, Taipei.

[276]  Liu Z., Wang W., Ju X.J., Xie R., Chu L.Y.*, 2015. K+-responsive capsule membranes for drugs squirting release [C]. The 9th Conference of Aseanian Membrane Society (AMS9), July 19-21, 2015, Taipei.

[277]  Wen G.Q., Xie R.*, Liang W.G., He X.H., Wang W., Ju X.J., Chu L.Y., 2015. Microfluidic fabrication and thermal characteristics of core-shell phase change microfibers with high paraffin content [C]. International Soft Matter Symposium (ISMS 2015), May 17-18, 2015, Foshan, China.

[278]  Zhang M.J., Wang W.*, Yang X.L., Ma B., Liu Y.M., Xie R., Ju X.J., Liu Z., Chu L.Y.*, 2015. Microfluidic fabrication of controllable hierarchical porous microparticles with highly-interconnected micrometer-/nanometer- sized pores [C]. International Soft Matter Symposium (ISMS 2015), May 17-18, 2015, Foshan, China.

[279]  Liu Z.*, Yao C., Yang C., Wang W., Ju X.J., Xie R., Chu L.Y.*, 2015. Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-clay nanocomposite hydrogels with responsive bending property as temperature-controlled manipulators [C]. International Soft Matter Symposium (ISMS 2015), May 17-18, 2015, Foshan, China.

[280]  Luo F., Xie R., Liu Z., Ju X.J., Wang W., Chu L.Y.*, 2015. Smart gating membranes with responsive nanogels as functional gates prepared via vapor-induced phase separation [C]. 2015 Engineering with Membranes (EWM2015), May 6-10, 2015, Beijing, China.

[281]  He F., Wang W., Xie R., Ju X.J., Liu Z., Chu L.Y.*, 2015. Multi-compartmental capsules with multiple distinct cores and membranes [C]. 2015 Engineering with Membranes (EWM2015), May 6-10, 2015, Beijing, China.

[282]  Yang X.L., Ju X.J.*, Mu X.T., Chu L.Y., 2015. Core-shell chitosan microcapsules with programmed drug release function [C]. 2015 Engineering with Membranes (EWM2015), May 6-10, 2015, Beijing, China.

[283]  褚良银*2015. 含重金属铅离子废水处理技术研究 [C]. 见:2015年典型工业废水处理技术及装备产学研合作研讨会,四川省自贡市,2015115. *大会特邀报告)

[284]  褚良银*2015. Nano-structured smart hydrogels with rapid response and high elasticity [C]. 见:2015中国化工学会年会第12分会场——纳米材料制备与应用研讨会,北京, 20151016-18. *主题报告)

[285]  褚良银*2015. 基于智能高分子的传质与分离过程调控与强化[C]. 见:“嘉陵江”化学化工学术前沿论坛,重庆,20151220. *邀请报告)

[286]  张茂洁,汪伟,杨秀兰,马冰,刘应梅,谢锐,巨晓洁,刘壮,褚良银*2015. 分级多孔结构单分散颗粒的可控制备 [C]. 见:2015中国化工学会年会第10分会场——多相反应系统的介尺度机制研讨会北京, 20151016-18. *主题报告)

[287]  褚良银*2015. 微流控技术——微尺度高分子颗粒材料可控制备的新方法[C]. 见:2015资源化工高峰论坛暨化工学科发展学术报告会郑州大学201554-5. *邀请报告)

[288]  褚良银, 2015. 刺激响应型智能开关膜制备新方法[C]. 第八届两岸三地化学工程与产品工程高端学术研讨会,西安,201598-11.

[289]  谢锐,褚良银*2015. 智能膜的构建及其对化工过程的调控[C]. 见:国家自然科学基金委员会“第五届化学工程青年科学家学术交流研讨会”,广州,2015520-22.

[290]  刘壮,姚陈,巨晓洁,谢锐,汪伟,褚良银*2015. 具有弯曲行为的超强温敏水凝胶的研究 [C]. 见:2015中国化工学会年会第10分会场——多相反应系统的介尺度机制研讨会北京, 20151016-18.

[291]  刘壮,褚良银2015. 重金属铅离子识别分离功能膜材料与膜过程研究[C]. 见:全国第十二届非均相分离学术交流会暨2015厦门台湾两地过滤与分离技术交流大会厦门,201584-7.



[292]  Chu L.Y.*, 2014. Stimuli-responsive smart membranes for controlled release and separations [C]. The 10th International congress on membranes and membrane processes (ICOM2014), July 20-25, 2014, Suzhou, China. *Invited Lecture

[293]  Chu L.Y.*, Wang W., Ju X.J., Xie R., Liu Z., Zhang M.J., 2014. Functional polymeric microparticles engineered from controllable microfluidic emulsions [C]. The 6th Global Chinese Symposium of Chemical Engineering, July 16-19, 2014, Hong Kong, China. *Keynote Lecture

[294]  Chu L.Y.*, 2014. Microfluidic preparation of functional polymeric microparticles [C]. The 7th World Congress on Particle Technology, May 19-22, 2014, Beijing, China. *Invited Lecture

[295]  Chu L.Y.*, 2014. New developments of membranes for water treatment [C]. China (Beijing) International Filtration Summit Forum 2014, April 14-17, 2014, Beijing, China. *Invited Lecture

[296]  Chu L.Y.*, Deng N.N., Wang W., Xie R., Ju X.J., Liu Z., Weitz D.A., 2014. Wetting-induced formation of multiple emulsions in microfluidics [C]. International Soft Matter Workshop, August 16-17, 2014, Beijing, China.

[297]  Xie R., Mei L., Ju X.J., Wang W., Wang J.Y., Zhang Z., Chu L.Y.*, 2014. Enzyme-immobilized mini-capsules with pH-responsive membranes [C]. International Soft Matter Workshop, August 16-17, 2014, Beijing, China.

[298]  Wang W., Zhang M.J., Xie R., Ju X.J., Yang C., Mou C.L., Weitz D.A., Chu L.Y.*, 2014. Interfacial-energy-induced manipulation of emulsion drops for engineering functional microparticles [C]. International Soft Matter Workshop, August 16-17, 2014, Beijing, China.

[299]  Liu Z., Liu L., Ju X.J., Xie R., Zhang B., Chu L.Y.*, 2014. K+-recognizable microbomb-like capsules with squirting release mechanisms [C]. International Soft Matter Workshop, August 16-17, 2014, Beijing, China.

[300]  Song X.L., Xie R.*, Dai H.J., Ju X.J., Wang W., Chu L.Y., 2014. Ethanol-responsive smart polyvinylidene fluoride membranes blended with poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) nanogels via vapor-induced phase separation [C]. The 10th International congress on membranes and membrane processes (ICOM2014), July 20-25, 2014, Suzhou, China.

[301]  Xie R., Wang G., Song X.L., Wang W., Ju X.J., Chu L.Y.*, 2014. Novel temperature-/ethanol-responsive smart membranes with cross-linked poly(N-isopropylarcylamide) gates [C]. The 6th Global Chinese Symposium of Chemical Engineering, July 16-19, 2014, Hong Kong, China.

[302]  Mei L., Xie R., Yang C., Ju X.J., Wang W., Wang J.Y., Chu L.Y.*, 2014. Bio-inspired mini-eggs with pH-responsive membrane for enzyme immobilization [C]. UK Colloids 14, July 6-9, 2014, London, UK.

[303]  Ju X.J.*, Wei J., Zou X.Y., Xie R., Wang W., Chu L.Y.*, 2014. Multi-stimuli-responsive microcapsules for adjustable controlled-release [C]. The 10th International congress on membranes and membrane processes (ICOM2014), July 20-25, 2014, Suzhou, China.

[304]  Ju X.J., Wei J., Zou X.Y., Xie R., Wang W., Chu L.Y.*, Multi-Stimuli Responsive Microcapsules for Adjustable Controlled-Release [C]. UK Colloids 14, July 6-9, 2014, London, UK.

[305]  Wang W., Sun Y.M., Wei Y.Y., Deng N.N., Liu Z., Ju X.J., Xie R., Chu L.Y.*, 2014. In situ formation of temperature- and ethanol-responsive membranes in microchannels [C]. The 10th International congress on membranes and membrane processes (ICOM2014), July 20-25, 2014, Suzhou, China.

[306]  Wang W., Deng N.N., Xie R., Ju X.J., Chu L.Y.*, 2014. Interfacial-energy-induced evolution of multiple emulsion drops for developing functional microparticles [C]. The 6th Global Chinese Symposium of Chemical Engineering, July 16-19, 2014, Hong Kong, China.

[307]  Wang W., Zhang M.J., Xie R., Ju X.J., Yang C, Mou C.L., Weitz D.A., Chu L.Y.*, 2014. Hole-shell microparticles from controllably evolved double emulsions [C]. UK Colloids 14, July 6-9, 2014, London, UK.

[308]  Wang W., Zhang M.J., Xie R., Ju X.J., Yang C, Mou C.L., Weitz D.A., Chu L.Y.*, 2014. Hole-shell microparticles from controllably evolved double emulsions [C]. Flow14: 1st International Conference on Micro & Nanofluidics Fundamentals and Applications, May 18-21, 2014, Enschede, Netherlands.

[309]  Liu Z., Chu L.Y.*, 2014. Positively K+-responsive membranes with functional gates driven by host-guest molecular recognition [C]. The 10th International congress on membranes and membrane processes (ICOM2014), July 20-25, 2014, Suzhou, China.

[310]  Liu Z., Ju X.J., Huang Y.H., Xie R., Wang W., Lee K.R., Chu L.Y.*, 2014. Control of pore size and hydrophilic/hydrophobic property of positively K+-responsive membranes for drug release [C]. The 10th International congress on membranes and membrane processes (ICOM2014), July 20-25, 2014, Suzhou, China.

[311]  Zhang M.J., Wang W., Xie R., Ju X.J., Chu L.Y.*, 2014. Nonspherical microparticles from controllably deformed double emulsions [C]. Flow14: 1st International Conference on Micro & Nanofluidics Fundamentals and Applications, May 18-21, 2014, Enschede, Netherlands.

[312]  He X.H., Deng K., Wang W., Ju X.J., Xie R., Chu L.Y.*, 2014. Microfluidic fabrication of chitosan microfibers with tunable peapod-like structures [C]. Flow14: 1st International Conference on Micro & Nanofluidics Fundamentals and Applications, May 18-21, 2014, Enschede, Netherlands.

[313]  Liu Y.M., Ju X.J., Wang W., Xie R., Chu L.Y.*, 2014. Direction-specific release of hydrophobic drugs from smart microcapsule membranes [C]. The 10th International congress on membranes and membrane processes (ICOM2014), July 20-25, 2014, Suzhou, China.

[314]  Liu Y.M., Ju X.J., Zheng W.C., Wang W., Xie R., Chu L.Y.*, 2014. Microfluidic fabrication of monodisperse smart microspheres for Pb2+ adsorption and separation [C]. Flow14: 1st International Conference on Micro & Nanofluidics Fundamentals and Applications, May 18-21, 2014, Enschede, Netherlands.

[315]  Wu F., Wang W., Ju X.J., Xie R., Liu L., Chu L.Y.*, 2014. Monodisperse hybrid microcapsules with submicron shell thickness for rapid reaction of encapsulated enzymes [C]. Flow14: 1st International Conference on Micro & Nanofluidics Fundamentals and Applications, May 18-21, 2014, Enschede, Netherlands.

[316]  Lin S., Wang W., Ju X.J., Xie R., Chu L.Y.*, 2014. A simple strategy for in situ fabrication of smart hydrogel microvalve within microchannels for thermostatic control [C]. Flow14: 1st International Conference on Micro & Nanofluidics Fundamentals and Applications, May 18-21, 2014, Enschede, Netherlands.

[317]  Luo F., Xie R., Liu Z., Ju X.J., Wang W., Chu L.Y.*, 2014. High-flux thermo-responsive polyethersulfone composite membranes prepared by vapor-induced phase separation [C]. The 10th International congress on membranes and membrane processes (ICOM2014), July 20-25, 2014, Suzhou, China.

[318]  He F., Mei L., Xie R., Ju X.J., Wang W., Wu F., Chu L.Y.*, 2014. Effects of pH values during preparation and the molecular weight of solute molecules on the pH-responsive trans-membrane permeability of Ca-alginate/Protamine/Silica hybrid capsule membranes [C]. The 10th International congress on membranes and membrane processes (ICOM2014), July 20-25, 2014, Suzhou, China.

[319]  褚良银*2014. 用于生物乙醇连续发酵反应过程强化的乙醇浓度响应型智能膜研究[C]. 见:能源高效清洁利用高级研讨会天津,2014912-13. *邀请报告)

[320]  Chu L.Y.*, Deng N.N., Wang W., Ju X.J., Xie R., Liu Z., 2014. Wetting-induced formation of controllable multiple emulsions in microfluidics [C]. 第七届两岸三地化学工程与产品工程高端学术研讨会,大连,20141030113.

[321]  褚良银*,刘壮,谢锐,巨晓洁,汪伟,2014. 重金属铅离子识别与分离功能膜研究[C]. 见:第四届全国膜分离技术在冶金工业中应用研讨会,四川都江堰,201471-3.



[322]  Chu L.Y.*, 2013. Stimuli-responsive membranes: smart tools for controllable mass-transfer and separation processes [C]. The 7th International Conference on Separation Science and Technology, July 2-4, 2013, Chengdu, China. *Invited Plenary Lecture

[323]  Chu L.Y.*, 2013. Stimuli-responsive smart membranes [C]. The 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Chemical Product and Process Engineering, May 27-30, 2013, Dalian, China. *Invited Lecture

[324]  Chu L.Y.*, 2013. Nano-structured smart hydrogels with rapidly responsive and highly stretchable property [C]. Sino-French Workshop on Nanostructured Polymers and Nanohybrids: Towards Properties and Functions, June 2-5, 2013, Shanghai, China. *Invited Lecture

[325]  Chu L.Y.*, 2013. Highly stretchable and rapidly responsive smart hydrogels with nano-structured architecture [C]. 见: 2013第六届两岸化学工程学术研讨会(台湾中坜,20131020-23日).*邀请报告)

[326]  Ju X.J.,* Liu Z., Pi S.W., Wang W., Xie R., Chu L.Y.*, 2013. Smart membranes with metal ion-recognition responsive properties [C]. 见:2013海峡两岸薄膜研讨会(The Cross-Strait Senior Conference on Membrane Science & Technology 2013台湾中坜,201389-10.*邀请报告)

[327]  Chu L.Y.*, Wang W., Ju X.J., Xie R., 2013. Microfluidic fabrication of stimuli-responsive microcapsule membranes [C]. The 8th Conference of Aseanian Membrane Society (AMS8), July 16-19, 2013, Xi’an, China.

[328]  Chu L.Y.*, Xia L.W., Xie R., Ju X.J., Wang W., 2013. Smart hydrogels with nano-structured architecture [C]. Frontier in Chemical Engineering-The 5th Global Chinese Chemical Engineers Symposium, July 22-25, 2013, Xi’an, China.

[329]  Chu L.Y., 2013. Nano-structured smart hydrogels with rapid response and high elasticity [C]. 2013 International Workshop -- China Soft Matter Day, August 11, 2013, Hefei, China.

[330]  Chu L.Y., Ju X.J., Xie R., Wang W., 2013. Smart microcapsule membranes for stimuli-responsive controlled-release [C]. The 2013 International Conference on Smart Structures and Systems (ICOSSS13) @ The 2013 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM13), September 8-12, 2013, Jeju, Korea.

[331]  Ju X.J., Liu Z., Yu H.R., Xie R., Wang W., Chu L.Y., 2013. Potassium ion-recognizable responsive smart materials [C]. The 2013 International Conference on Smart Structures and Systems (ICOSSS13) @ The 2013 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM13), September 8-12, 2013, Jeju, Korea.

[332]  Wang W., Zhang M.J., Xie R., Ju X.J., Yang C., Mou C.L., Chu L.Y., 2013. Hole-shell microparticles from controllably evolved double emulsions [C]. The 2013 International Conference on Smart Structures and Systems (ICOSSS13) @ The 2013 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM13), September 8-12, 2013, Jeju, Korea.

[333]  Zhang M.J., Wang W., Ju X.J., Xie R., Chu L.Y., 2013. Microfluidic fabrication of monodisperse microcapsules for glucose-response at physiological temperature [C]. The 2013 International Conference on Smart Structures and Systems (ICOSSS13) @ The 2013 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM13), September 8-12, 2013, Jeju, Korea.

[334]  巨晓洁*, 汪伟,谢锐,褚良银2013. 环境响应型智能控制释放系统的创新与传质过程强化[C]. Frontier in Chemical Engineering-The 5th Global Chinese Chemical Engineers Symposium, July 22-25, 2013, Xi’an, China.

[335]  Wei J., Ju X.J.,* Xie R., Wang W., Chu L.Y.*, 2013. Temperature-Responsive Membranes Prepared by the Interfacial Deposition Method [C]. 2013海峡两岸薄膜研讨会The Cross-Strait Senior Conference on Membrane Science & Technology 2013台湾中坜201389-10.

[336]  Ju X.J.*, Liu Z., Liu Y.M., Xie R., Wang W., Chu L.Y.*, 2013. Design and responsive properties of Lead(II)-recognition responsive smart membranes [C]. The 8th Conference of Aseanian Membrane Society (AMS8), July 16-19, 2013, Xi’an, China.

[337]  Song X.L., Xie R.*, Luo T., Ju X.J., Wang W., Chu L.Y.*, 2013. Preparation and characterization of ethanol-responsive PES composite membranes [C]. The 8th Conference of Aseanian Membrane Society (AMS8), July 16-19, 2013, Xi’an, China.

[338]  Zhang M.J., Wang W.*, Xie R., Ju X.J., Gu Y.Y., Chu L.Y.*, 2013. Microfluidic fabrication and modification of monodisperse microcapsule membranes for glucose-response [C]. The 8th Conference of Aseanian Membrane Society (AMS8), July 16-19, 2013, Xi’an, China.

[339]  Wang W., Yao C., Zhang M.J., Ju X.J., Xie R. Chu L.Y.*, 2013. Thermo-driven hydrogel-based microcrawlers fabricated from droplet microfluidics [C]. The 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Chemical Product and Process Engineering, May 27-30, 2013, Dalian, China.

[340]  Ju X.J., Liu Z., Wang W., Chu L.Y.*, 2013. Gating membranes for detection and removal of trace Pb2+ ions [C]. The 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Chemical Product and Process Engineering, May 27-30, 2013, Dalian, China.

[341]  Ju X.J., Xie R., Wang W., Liu Z., Liu Y.M., Yu H.R., Chu L.Y.*, 2013. Ion-recognition smart materials based on poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) and crown ether [C]. Third International Symposium Frontiers in Polymer Science, 21-23 May, 2013, Sitges (near Barcelona), Spain.

[342]  Liu Z., Luo F., Ju X.J.*, Xie R., Luo T., Sun Y.M., Chu L.Y.*, 2013. Positively K+-responsive membranes with functional gates driven by host-guest molecular recognition [C]. Third International Symposium Frontiers in Polymer Science, 21-23 May, 2013, Sitges (near Barcelona), Spain.

[343]  Xie R., Liu L., Wang W., Ju X.J., Chu L.Y.*, 2013. Stimuli-responsive polymeric microcapsules prepared by emulsion template methods [C]. 245th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition, April 7-11, 2013, New Orleans, USA.

[344]  Deng N.N., Wang W., Ju X.J., Xie R., Weitz D.A., Chu L.Y.*, 2013. Wetting-Induced formation of controllable monodisperse multiple emulsions in microfluidics [C]. The 7th Sino-US Conference of Chemical Engineering, 14-18 October, 2013, Beijing, China.

[345]  Yuan M., Ju X.J.*, Chu L.Y., Xie R., Wang W., 2013. Study on mechanical properties of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) hydrogel microspheres using a simple method [C]. The 7th Sino-US Conference of Chemical Engineering, 14-18 October, 2013, Beijing, China.

[346]  Liu Z., Luo F., Ju X.J. Xie R., Sun Y.M., Wang W., Chu L.Y.*, 2013. Gating membranes for water treatment: detection and removal of trace Pb2+ ions based on molecular recognition and polymer phase transition [C]. The 7th Sino-US Conference of Chemical Engineering, 14-18 October, 2013, Beijing, China.

[347]  Liu Y.M., Wang W., Zheng W.C., Ju X.J., Xie R., Djamal Z., Deng N.N., Chu L.Y.*, 2013. Hydrogel-based micro-actuators with remote-controlled locomotion and fast Pb2+-response for micromanipulation [C]. The 7th Sino-US Conference of Chemical Engineering, 14-18 October, 2013, Beijing, China.

[348]  Wang Y.M., Liu Z., Ju X.J.*, Chu L.Y., 2013. Multi-stimuli-sensitive smart copolymer responding to ion, molecule and temperature [C]. The 7th Sino-US Conference of Chemical Engineering, 14-18 October, 2013, Beijing, China.

[349]  Yu H.R., Ju X.J., Xie R., Wang W., Zhang B., Chu L.Y.*, 2013. Portable diagnosis method of hyperkalemia using potassium-recognizable poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-benzo-15-crown-5-acrylamide) copolymers [C]. The 7th Sino-US Conference of Chemical Engineering, 14-18 October, 2013, Beijing, China.

[350]  Jiang M.Y., Ju X.J., Fang L., Liu Z., Wang W., Xie R., Chu L.Y.*, 2013. A novel ion-recognizable microsphere with K+-induced shrinking property [C]. The 7th Sino-US Conference of Chemical Engineering, 14-18 October, 2013, Beijing, China.

[351]  褚良银*,梅丽,谢锐,巨晓洁,汪伟,2013. 生物医用pH响应型复合膜研究新进展[C]. 见:第八届全国膜与膜过程学术报告会,大连,20131025-27. *大会邀请报告)

[352]  褚良银2013. 微流控法制备新型功能材料[C]. 见:2013中国化工学会年会——材料化学工程分会,南京,2013923-25. *邀请主题报告)

[353]  褚良银2013. 跨尺度领域的流控、传质与分离[C]. 见:国家自然科学基金委员会“第三届化学工程青年科学家学术交流研讨会”,天津,2013514-17. *大会邀请报告)

[354]  巨晓洁*,刘壮,余海溶,汪伟,谢锐,褚良银*2013. 利用主-客体分子识别构建离子响应型智能膜[C]. 见:第八届全国膜与膜过程学术报告会,大连,20131025-27. *邀请报告)

[355]  巨晓洁,2013. 环境响应型智能控制释放系统及其传质过程的研究[C]. 见:国家自然科学基金委员会“第三届化学工程青年科学家学术交流研讨会”,天津,2013514-17.

[356]  张茂洁,汪伟*,谢锐,巨晓洁,刘丽,褚良银2013. 微流控方法制备具有葡萄糖响应性药物控释特性的单分散微囊膜[C]. 见:第八届全国膜与膜过程学术报告会,大连,20131025-27.

[357]  孙易蒙,谢锐,汪伟,巨晓洁,褚良银*2013. 乙醇响应型微通道智能膜的制备与研究[C]. 见:第八届全国膜与膜过程学术报告会,大连,20131025-27.



[358]  Wang W., Ju X.J., Xie R., Chu L.Y.*, 2012. Microfluidic fabrication of novel functional materials [C]. Frontier in Chemical Engineering - the fourth Global Chinese Chemical Engineers Symposium, August 26-28, 2012, Birmingham, UK. *Keynote Lecture

[359]  Xie R., Ju X.J., Wang W., Chu L.Y., 2012. Design and alcohol-responsive characteristics of smart membranes [C]. Frontier in Chemical Engineering - the fourth Global Chinese Chemical Engineers Symposium, August 26-28, 2012, Birmingham, UK. *Invited Lecture

[360]  Ju X.J., Xie R., Wang W., Liu Z., Liu Y.M., Chu L.Y., 2012. Design and responsive study of ion-recognition smart materials [C]. Frontier in Chemical Engineering - the fourth Global Chinese Chemical Engineers Symposium, August 26-28, 2012, Birmingham, UK. *Invited Lecture

[361]  Chu L.Y., 2012. Multi-scale smart and soft materials for biomedical applications [C]. 2012 International Workshop -- China Soft Matter Day, June 16, 2012, Guangzhou, China. *Invited Keynote Lecture

[362]  Chu L.Y., 2012. Smart and soft materials with multi-scale structures [C]. The 4th International Conference on Multi-Scale Structures and Systems in Process Engineering -- Meso-scales: the key to multi-scale problems, September 26-28, 2012, Beijing, China.

[363]  Chu L.Y.*, Xie R., Ju X.J., 2012. Stimuli-Responsive Membranes: Smart Tools for Controllable Mass-Transfer and Separation Processes [C].  The 7th Conference of Aseanian Membrane Society (AMS7), July 4-6, 2012, Busan, Korea.

[364]  Chu L.Y.*, Ju X.J., Xie R., Wang W., 2012. Stimuli-Responsive Smart Microcapsules for Controlled Release [C].  Sichuan University – Queen Mary University of London Workshop on Biomaterials, December 13-17, 2012, Chengdu, China.

[365]  Xie R.*, Wu C.J., Wei H.B., Xu T.T., Wang W., Ju X.J., Chu L.Y., 2012. Novel Thermo-Responsive Membranes with Cross-Linked Microspheres as Gates [C].  The 7th Conference of Aseanian Membrane Society (AMS7), July 4-6, 2012, Busan, Korea.

[366]  Ju X.J., Liu Z., Luo F., Xie R., Sun Y.M., Chu L.Y.*, 2012. Positively K+-Responsive Membranes with Functional Gates Driven by Host-Guest Molecular Recognition [C].  The 7th Conference of Aseanian Membrane Society (AMS7), July 4-6, 2012, Busan, Korea.

[367]  Mei L., Xie R., Yang C., Ju X.J., Chu L.Y.*, 2012. Bio-Inspired Enzyme-Immobilized Mini-Eggs with pH-Responsive Membranes [C].  The 7th Conference of Aseanian Membrane Society (AMS7), July 4-6, 2012, Busan, Korea.

[368]  Wei J., Ju X.J.*, Xie R., Chu L.Y.*, 2012. Multi-Stimuli-Responsive Microcapsule Membranes with Adjustable Mass-Transfer Characteristics for Controlled Release [C].  The 7th Conference of Aseanian Membrane Society (AMS7), July 4-6, 2012, Busan, Korea. *Outstanding Poster Presentation Award

[369]  Chu L.Y.*, Xie R., Ju X.J., Liu L., Wang W., Liu Z., 2012. Stimuli-responsive microcapsule membranes fabricated by microfluidic technique [C]. The 11th World Filtration Congress, April 16-20, 2012, Graz, Austria.

[370]  褚良银巨晓洁,谢锐,2012. 环境响应型自律式药物控释智能膜[C]. 见:第五届全国医药行业膜分离技术应用研讨会,南京,2012411-14. *大会邀请报告)

[371]  褚良银2012. 跨尺度领域的流控、传质与分离——从基础到应用[C]. 见:国家自然科学基金委员会“第二届化学工程青年科学家学术交流研讨会”,杭州,2012515-18. *大会邀请报告)

[372]  Chu L.Y.*, Xie R., Ju X.J., Wang W., Liu Z., 2012. Stimuli-responsive microcapsule membranes fabricated by microfluidic technique[C]. 见:海峡两岸第四届膜科学技术高级研讨会暨“黄山杯”首届博士生论坛(The 4th Cross-Strait Seminar of Membrane Science and Technology & the 1st “Huangshan Cup” Doctoral Forum),安徽黄山,2012818-22.*大会邀请报告)

[373]  Liu Z., Ju X.J., Xie R., Luo T., Sun Y.M., Chu L.Y.*, 2012. Positively K+-responsive membranes with functional gates driven by host-guest molecular recognition [C]. 见:海峡两岸第四届膜科学技术高级研讨会暨“黄山杯”首届博士生论坛(The 4th Cross-Strait Seminar of Membrane Science and Technology & the 1st “Huangshan Cup” Doctoral Forum),安徽黄山,2012818-22.*大会鼓励奖)



[374]  Wang W., Deng N.N., Xie R., Ju X.J., Chu L.Y.*, 2011. Controllable production of multiple emulsion droplets via microfluidic approaches [C]. The 4th Symposium on Chemical and Products Engineering among Elite Chinese Scholars Across Taiwan Strait, December 21-23, 2011, Hong Kong, China. *Invited Lecture

[375]  Chu L.Y., Ju X.J., Xie R., 2011. Microfluidic fabrication of monodisperse stimuli-responsive microcapsules [C]. The 4th Asian Symposium on Emulsion Polymerization and Functional Polymeric Microspheres (2011 ASEPFPM), December 11-14, 2011, Hong Kong, China. *Invited Lecture

[376]  Chu L.Y., Xie R., Ju X.J., 2011. Progress in environmental stimuli-responsive smart controlled-release membranes [C]. Frontier in Chemical Engineering - the 3rd Global Chinese Chemical Engineers Symposium, July 16-19, 2011, Beijing, China. *Invited Lecture

[377]  Wang W., Xie R., Ju X.J., Chu L.Y.*, 2011. Design of microfluidic devices for controllable production of multiple emulsion droplets [C]. International Workshop on Micro Chemo- Thermo- & Biological Mechanical Systems, May 29-30, 2011, Shanghai, China. *Invited Lecture

[378]  Chu L.Y., Ju X.J., Xie R., Liu L., Wang W., Pi S.W., Liu Z., Wei Jie., 2011. Fabrication of Monodisperse Microcapsules with Stimuli-Responsive Membranes in Microfluidic Devices [C]. The 2nd Asia-Pacific Chemical and Biological Microfluidics Conference (APCBM 2011), May 25-27, 2011, Nanjing, China. *Keynote Lecture

[379]  Wang W., Liu L., Ju X.J., Xie R., Liu Z., Chu L.Y.*, 2011. Microbomb-Like Capsules for Stimuli-Responsive Controlled Release of Lipophilic Drugs and Nanoparticles [C]. 2011 International Symposium on Functional Polymers for Nanomedicine, May 15-18, 2011, Hangzhou, China. *Invited Lecture

[380]  Ju X.J., Wei J., Wang W., Liu L., Xie R., Chu L.Y.*, 2011. Monodisperse cationic pH-responsive poly(N,N-dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate) microcapsules prepared by a microfluidic technique [C]. The 4th Asian Symposium on Emulsion Polymerization and Functional Polymeric Microspheres (2011 ASEPFPM), December 11-14, 2011, Hong Kong, China.

[381]  Liu Z., Liu L., Ju X.J.*, Xie R., Zhang B., Chu L.Y.*, 2011. K+-Recognition Capsules with Squirting Release Mechanisms [C]. The 4th Asian Symposium on Emulsion Polymerization and Functional Polymeric Microspheres (2011 ASEPFPM), December 11-14, 2011, Hong Kong, China.

[382]  Deng N.N., Liu L., Ju X.J., Xie R., Meng Z.J., Chu L.Y.*, 2011. Monodisperse core-shell chitosan microcapsules fabricated with single emulsions as templates [C]. The 4th Asian Symposium on Emulsion Polymerization and Functional Polymeric Microspheres (2011 ASEPFPM), December 11-14, 2011, Hong Kong, China.

[383]  Chu L.Y.*, 2011. Microfluidic fabrication of monodisperse stimuli-responsive microcapsules [C]. The 4th Asian Symposium on Emulsion Polymerization and Functional Polymeric Microspheres (2011 ASEPFPM), December 11-14, 2011, Hong Kong, China.

[384]  Xie R., Yang M., Meng T., Ju X.J., Chu L.Y.*, 2011. Stimuli-responsive smart membranes for separation [C]. The 6th Sino-US Joint Conference of Chemical Engineering, November 6-10, 2011, Beijing, China.

[385]  Xie R., Li P.F., Fan H., Chen Y.C., Meng T., Ju X.J., Chu L.Y.*, 2011. Preparation of Ethanol-responsive Smart Gating Membranes and Regulation of their Critical Ethanol Response Concentrations [C]. International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes, July 23-29, 2011, Amsterdam, Netherland.

[386]  Ju X.J., Wei J., Xie R., Chu L.Y.*, 2011. Preparation and adjustable mass-transfer characteristics of dual-stimuli-responsive microcapsule membranes for controlled release [C]. International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes, July 23-29, 2011, Amsterdam, Netherland.

[387]  Liu L, Yang J.P., Ju X.J., Xie R, Liu Y.M., Wang W, Chu L.Y.*, 2011. Monodisperse core-shell chitosan microcapsules for pH-responsive burst release of hydrophobic drugs [C]. Particles 2011 conference: Stimuli-Responsive Particles and Particle Assemblies, 9-12 July 2011, Berlin, Germany.

[388]  Yu Y.L., Xie R, Ju X.J., Chu L.Y.*, 2011. Monodisperse microspheres with poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) core and ethyl cellulose shell [C]. Particles 2011 conference: Stimuli-Responsive Particles and Particle Assemblies, 9-12 July 2011, Berlin, Germany.

[389]  Xie R., Li P.F., Fan H., Chen Y.C., Meng T., Ju X.J., Chu L.Y.*, 2011. Controllable ethanol-responsive characteristics of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-grafted-Nylon-6 membranes [C]. International Conference on Process Intensification on Sustainable Chemical Industries (ICPI 2011), June 26-29, 2011, Beijing, China.

[390]  Ju X.J., Liu L., Wang W., Liu Z., Xie R., Chu L.Y.*, 2011. Intensification of mass transfer process in controlled release with smart capsule membranes [C]. International Conference on Process Intensification on Sustainable Chemical Industries (ICPI 2011), June 26-29, 2011, Beijing, China.

[391]  Xie R., Li P.F., Ju X.J., Liu L., Wang W., Chu L.Y., 2011. A novel acid-triggered self-bursting core-shell microcapsules [C]. The 2nd Asia-Pacific Chemical and Biological Microfluidics Conference (APCBM 2011), May 25-27, 2011, Nanjing, China.

[392]  Ju X.J., Ren P.W., Xie R., Chu L.Y., 2011. Study on Monodisperse Calcium Alginate Microcapsules Containing Oil Core Fabricated Using a Microfluidic Device [C]. The 2nd Asia-Pacific Chemical and Biological Microfluidics Conference (APCBM 2011), May 25-27, 2011, Nanjing, China.

[393]  Liu L., Ju X.J., Xie R., Chu L.Y., 2011. Microfluidic Preparation of Alcohol-Responsive Squirting Capsules [C]. The 2nd Asia-Pacific Chemical and Biological Microfluidics Conference (APCBM 2011), May 25-27, 2011, Nanjing, China.

[394]  Wang W., Xie R., Ju X.J., Luo T., Liu L., Weitz D.A., Chu L.Y., 2011. Controllable Microfluidic Production of Multicomponent Multiple Emulsions [C]. The 2nd Asia-Pacific Chemical and Biological Microfluidics Conference (APCBM 2011), May 25-27, 2011, Nanjing, China.

[395]  褚良银,谢锐巨晓洁,2011. 刺激响应智能膜:用于可控传质与分离过程的灵巧工具[C]. 见:第七届全国膜与膜过程学术报告会杭州,2011114-7. *大会邀请报告)

[396]  褚良银2011. 跨尺度领域的流控、传质与分离——从基础到应用[C]. 见:国家自然科学基金委员会“化学工程青年科学家学术交流研讨会”,南京,2011517-20. *大会邀请报告)

[397]  谢锐,2011. 刺激响应型智能膜的基础研究[C]. 见:国家自然科学基金委员会“化学工程青年科学家学术交流研讨会”,南京,2011517-20. *大会优秀论文发表奖)

[398]  刘会洲,钱旭红,褚良银2011. 界面现象与纳微过程[C]. 见:国家自然科学基金委员会59期双清论坛“复杂化工过程的多尺度机制关联与调控”学术研讨会,北京,2011222-23. *主题报告)

[399]  褚良银巨晓洁,谢锐,2011. 智能化微囊膜研究新进展[C]. 见:2011年海峡两岸膜科学技术高级研讨会长春,2011816-23. *邀请报告)

[400]  谢锐,杨眉,巨晓洁,褚良银*2011. 分子识别与温度响应复合智能膜的研究进展[C]. 见:2011年海峡两岸膜科学技术高级研讨会长春,2011816-23. *邀请报告)

[401]  Ju X.J., Xie R., Chu L.Y.*, Liu L., Wei J., Pi S.W., Ren P.W., Zhang H., 2011. Thermo-triggered squirting microcapsule membranes for nanoparticle delivery [C]. 见:2011年海峡两岸膜科学技术高级研讨会长春,2011816-23. *邀请报告)

[402]  谢锐,杨眉,孟涛,巨晓洁,褚良银*2011. 刺激响应智能膜的研究新进展[C]. 见:第七届全国膜与膜过程学术报告会杭州,2011114-7. *邀请报告)

[403]  巨晓洁,刘壮,刘丽,魏竭,皮硕伟,谢锐,褚良银*2011. 微流控技术制备功能微囊膜材料研究新进展[C]. 见:第七届全国膜与膜过程学术报告会杭州,2011114-7.

[404]  魏竭,巨晓洁*,谢锐,牟川林,林茜,褚良银*2011. 微流控技术制备阳离子型pH响应聚(甲基丙烯酸N,N-二甲氨基乙酯)微囊膜[C]. 见:第七届全国膜与膜过程学术报告会杭州,2011114-7.

[405]  梅丽,谢锐*,巨晓洁,杨超,王继云,褚良银*2011. pH响应型海藻酸钙仿生酶微囊的制备及其响应性能研究[C]. 见:第七届全国膜与膜过程学术报告会杭州,2011114-7.

[406]  牟川林,何晓恒,巨晓洁,谢锐,刘壮,刘丽,褚良银*2011. 快速检测没食子酸乙酯浓度范围的微囊膜的制备和表征[C]. 见:第七届全国膜与膜过程学术报告会杭州,2011114-7.

[407]  Liu Z., Liu L., Ju X.J.*, Xie R., Zhang B., Wu H.G., Pi S.W., Chu L.Y.*, 2011. Ion-recognizable microbomb-like capsules for lipophilic drugs delivery [C]. 见:新疆自然资源综合利用博士论坛,新疆石河子,201182-5.



[408]  Chu L.Y., Liu L., Wang W., Ju X.J., Xie R., 2010. Stimuli-Responsive Microbomb-Like Microcapsules [C]. Frontier in Chemical Engineering - the 2nd Global Chinese Chemical Engineers Forum, October 6-8, 2010, Melbourne, Australia. *Invited Lecture

[409]  Chu L.Y., Liu L., Wang W., Ju X.J., Xie R., 2010. Smart Microcapsules with Thermo-Responsive Hydrogel Membranes [C]. The 11th IUMRS (International Union of Materials Research Societies) International Conference in Asia (IUMRS-ICA2010), September 25-28, 2010, Qingdao, China: M25. *Invited Lecture

[410]  Chu L.Y., 2010. Basic study of biomimetic ion-channel membranes for desalination [C]. 2010 Asia-Pacific Conference on Desalination and Water Reclamation, June 22-25, 2010, Qingdao, China. *Invited Talk

[411]  Chu L.Y.*, Liu L., Wang W., Ju X.J., Xie R., 2010. Microbomb-Like Stimuli-Responsive Microcapsules for Burst Release [C]. The 4th USA-China Workshop on Chemical Engineering Faculty Research Collaboration, May 31 – June 2, 2010, New Hampshire, USA. *Invited Talk

[412]  Chu L.Y., 2010. Stimuli-Responsive “Smart” Membrane Materials and Systems [C]. Sino-German Symposium on Novel Inorganic Membranes with Nano Design, March 21-25, 2010, Guangzhou, China. *Invited Plenary Lecture

[413]  Chu L.Y., Xie R., Ju X.J., 2010. Stimuli-Responsive Smart Membrane Materials [C]. The 11th IUMRS (International Union of Materials Research Societies) International Conference in Asia (IUMRS-ICA2010), September 25-28, 2010, Qingdao, China: L25.

[414]  Wang J.Y., Jin Y., Xie R.*, Liu J.Y., Ju X.J., Chu L.Y.*, 2010. Novel calcium-alginate capsules with aqueous core and thermo-responsive membrane [C]. The 11th IUMRS (International Union of Materials Research Societies) International Conference in Asia (IUMRS-ICA2010), September 25-28, 2010, Qingdao, China: M24.

[415]  Wu H.G., Ju X.J., Xie R., Liu Y.M., Deng J.G., Niu C.H., Chu L.Y.*, 2010. Fast recognition of potassium ions by Venus flytrap action of 15-crown-5 crown ethers in an ion-imprinted polymeric responsive hydrogel [C]. The 11th IUMRS (International Union of Materials Research Societies) International Conference in Asia (IUMRS-ICA2010), September 25-28, 2010, Qingdao, China: M31.

[416]  Pi S.W., Ju X.J.*, Wu H.G., Xie R., Chu L.Y.*, 2010. Smart responsive microcapsules capable of recognizing heavy metal ions [C]. The 11th IUMRS (International Union of Materials Research Societies) International Conference in Asia (IUMRS-ICA2010), September 25-28, 2010, Qingdao, China: M39.

[417]  Wei G., Liu X., Yuan L., Chu L.Y., Yang L.*, 2010. Interactions between model bacterial membranes and synthetic antimicrobials [C]. The 11th IUMRS (International Union of Materials Research Societies) International Conference in Asia (IUMRS-ICA2010), September 25-28, 2010, Qingdao, China: S34.

[418]  Yu Y.L., Xie R.*, Zhang M.J., Li P.F., Ju X.J., Chu L.Y.*, 2010. Monodisperse Microspheres with Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) Core and Poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) Shell [C]. The 3rd International Conference on Multi-Functional Materials and Structures (MFMS 2010), September 14-18, 2010, Jeonju, Korea: FrE2-4.

[419]  Chen G., Niu C.H., Zhou M.Y., Ju X.J., Xie R., Chu L.Y.*, 2010. Phase transition behaviors of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) microgels induced by tannic acid [C]. The 12th International Conference on Properties and Phase Equilibria for Product and Process Design, May 16-21, 2010, Suzhou, China.

[420]  Liu L., Wang W., Ju X.J., Xie R., Chu L.Y.*, 2010. A Trojan horse strategy for nanoparticles delivery [C]. The 12th International Conference on Properties and Phase Equilibria for Product and Process Design, May 16-21, 2010, Suzhou, China.

[421]  褚良银汪伟,刘丽,巨晓洁,谢锐,2010. Thermo-responsive squirting microcapsules for bombing-like burst release [C]. 见:第三届两岸化学工程暨产品工程学术研讨会,台北,108-13日,2010. *邀请报告)

[422]  褚良银,谢锐,巨晓洁,2010. 环境响应型智能化控制释放膜研究新进展[C]. 见:第七届中国功能材料及其应用学术会议,长沙,1015-18日,2010. *大会邀请报告)

[423]  褚良银,谢锐,巨晓洁,2010. 环境响应型智能化控制释放膜研究新进展[C]. 见:第四届中国膜科学与技术报告会,北京,1016-18日,2010. *大会邀请报告)

[424]  褚良银2010. 跨尺度领域的流控、分离与传质[C]. 见:第六届全国化学工程与生物化工年会长沙,20101029-31. *大会邀请报告)

[425]  谢锐,褚良银2010. 环境响应型智能膜的研究进展[C]. 见:2010海峡两岸膜科学技术高级研讨会,成都,2010817-24. *邀请报告)

[426]  谢锐,陈永朝,李鹏飞,巨晓洁,褚良银2010. 嵌段接枝双重刺激响应型开关膜研究[C]. 见:第四届中国膜科学与技术报告会,北京,1016-18日,2010. *大会优秀论文奖)

[427]  谢锐,李鹏飞,孟涛,杨眉,巨晓洁,褚良银2010. 原子转移自由基聚合法制备具有可控链长和链密度的温度响应开关膜[C]. 见:第六届全国化学工程与生物化工年会长沙,20101029-31日:G156.

[428]  巨晓洁,米鹏,谢锐,褚良银2010. 离子响应型智能材料的控制释放特性研究[C]. 见:第六届全国化学工程与生物化工年会长沙,20101029-31日:G106.

[429]  汪伟,罗涛,刘丽,谢锐,巨晓洁,褚良银2010. 新型微流控装置制备复杂结构多相多重乳液的研究[C]. 见:第六届全国化学工程与生物化工年会长沙,20101029-31日:G144.

[430]  刘丽,杨建平,刘应梅,汪伟,巨晓洁,谢锐,褚良银2010. 复乳模板法制备具有pH响应突释特性的单分散微囊[C]. 见:第六届全国化学工程与生物化工年会长沙,20101029-31日:G065.

[431]  余亚兰,谢锐,巨晓洁,王继云,皮硕伟,褚良银2010. 单分散聚(N-异丙基丙烯酰胺)和聚(甲基丙烯酸2-羟乙酯) 核壳型微球的制备[C]. 见:第六届全国化学工程与生物化工年会长沙,20101029-31日:G054.

[432]  杨眉,谢锐*,王海东,褚良银*2010. 温度响应型手性拆分膜的分离性能研究 [C]. 见:第十届全国非均相分离学术交流会论文集,苏州,84-7日,2010: 98-102.



[433]  Chu L.Y., 2009. Stimuli-Responsive “Smart” Membrane Materials and Processes [C]. The Second Asian Symposium on Advanced Materials, October 11-14, 2009, Shanghai, China. *Invited Lecture

[434]  Yang M., Xie R., Wang J.Y., Ju X.J., Yang L., Chu L.Y.*, 2009. Thermo-responsive and Molecular-recognizable Gating Membranes [C]. The Cross-Strain Membrane Science & Technology Conference 2009 2009两岸薄膜科技研讨会)Chungli, Taiwan, October 7, 2009. *Invited Lecture

[435]  Chu L.Y., 2009. New developments in membrane technology [C]. Chemical Engineering in 2050 - International Symposium on Frontiers of Chemical Engineering, August 20-23, 2009, Niagara Falls, Canada. *Invited Speech

[436]  Chu L.Y.*, Mi P., Ju X.J., 2009. A novel ion-recognizable hydrogel for K+-induced controlled-release [C]. The JSPS Asian Core Program _ China-Japan Joint Symposium on Functional Supramolecular Architectures, August 2-5, 2009, Sapporo, Japan. *Invited Lecture

[437]  Wang W., Liu L., Ju X.J., Zerrouki D., Xie R., Yang L., Chu L.Y.*, 2009. A novel thermo-induced self-bursting microcapsule with magnetic-targeting property [C]. The 3rd Asian Conference on Colloid & Interface Science, October 11-14, 2009, Jeju Island, Korea: P53. *大会优秀论文奖“Excellent Paper Award

[438]  Liu L., Yang J.P., Ju X.J., Zhang J.J., Xie R., Chu L.Y.*, 2009. Monodisperse chitosan/ hydroxyethylcellulose hollow microcapsules with diverse pH-sensitive characteristics [C]. The 3rd Asian Conference on Colloid & Interface Science, October 11-14, 2009, Jeju Island, Korea: P184.

[439]  Chen Y.C., Xie R., Yang M., Li P.F., Chu L.Y.*, 2009. Thermo-responsive membranes with grafted linear and crosslinked poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) gates [C]. The 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering (WCCE8), August 23–27, 2009, Montréal, Quebec, Canada.

[440]  Yang M., Xie R., Wang J.Y., Ju X.J., Yang L., Chu L.Y.*, 2009. Novel thermo-responsive and molecular-recognizable membranes with triple gating characteristics [C]. The 5th Joint China/Japan Chemical Engineering Symposium (CJCES), July 21-24, 2009, Xi’an, China.

[441]  褚良银2009. Stimuli-Responsive Gating Membranes for Controlled Release [C]. 见:第二届两岸化学工程暨产品工程学术研讨会论文集,上海,97-10日,2009. *邀请报告)

[442]  褚良银2009. 新能源过程工业中分离方法的瓶颈与节能潜力[C]. 见:363次香山科学会议——“过程工业减排中节能机制的若干科学问题”学术讨论会,北京香山,128-102009. *邀请专题报告)

[443]  褚良银2009. 环境响应型智能化控制释放载体[C]. 见:国家生物医学材料工程技术研究中心2010年新年学术报告会,四川大学,20091228. *邀请报告)



[444]  Ju X.J., Liu L., Xie R., Chu L.Y.*, 2008. Monodisperse Ion-Recognition Responsive Microgels [C]. International Symposium on New Cosmetic Formulations -- “Pioneering Functional Materials in Cosmetic Industry”, July 8, 2008, Amore-Pacific R&D Center, Korea. *Invited Talk

[445]  Chu L.Y.*, 2008. Thermo-Responsive “Smart” Membranes for Enantioseparation [C]. The 3rd China-USA Workshop on Chemical Engineering Faculty Research Collaboration, February 25-27, 2008, Tianjin, China. *Invited Talk

[446]  褚良银*,谢锐,杨眉,杨文川,王海东,2008. 双重刺激响应型智能膜的制备与性能研究[C]. 见:第六届全国膜与膜过程学术报告会论文集,天津,418-21日,2008. *邀请专题报告)

[447]  杨眉,王继云,谢锐,褚良银*2008. 分子识别型双向开关膜的制备与性能研究[C]. 见:第五届全国化学工程与生物化工年会论文集,西安,1028-31日,2008: H029.

[448]  李鹏飞,谢锐,江军超,孟涛,杨眉,巨晓洁,褚良银*2008. 原子转移自由基聚合法制备温敏型智能膜的研究 [C]. 见:第五届全国化学工程与生物化工年会论文集,西安,1028-31日,2008: H030.

[449]  谢锐张诗博褚良银*,王海东杨眉李鹏飞2008. 温敏型分子识别膜的制备与性能研究II.手性分子识别与分离特性研究[C]. 见:第六届全国膜与膜过程学术报告会论文集,天津,418-21日,2008.

[450]  王海东,褚良银*,牛慧,2008. 壳聚糖手性配体交换膜拆分氨基酸对映体的实验研究[C]. 见:第六届全国膜与膜过程学术报告会论文集,天津,418-21日,2008.



[451]  Yang M., Chu L.Y.*, Wang H.D., Xie R., Song H., Niu C.H., 2007. Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-based Smart Membranes for Chiral Separation [C]. The 5th International Conference on Separation Science and Technology, October 14-16, 2007, Beijing, China: KN06.   * Invited Keynote Lecture

[452]  Zhou M.Y., Chu L.Y.*, Xie R., Ju X.J., Zhao Z.L., 2007. Preparation of thermo-responsive microgels using microfluidics and flow characteristics of the prepared microgels in microchannel [C]. The 4th Joint China/Japan Chemical Engineering Symposium (CJCES), December 19-21, 2007, Chengdu, Sichuan, China.   * Keynote Lecture

[453]  Xie R., Chu L.Y.*, 2007. Membrane-assisted chiral resolution processes [C]. The 4th Joint China/Japan Chemical Engineering Symposium (CJCES), December 19-21, 2007, Chengdu, Sichuan, China.

[454]  Wang H.D., Chu L.Y.*, Song H., Yang J.P., Xie R., Yang M., 2007. Chitosan/β-cyclodextrin composite membranes for chiral resolution of amino acids [C]. The 4th Joint China/Japan Chemical Engineering Symposium (CJCES), December 19-21, 2007, Chengdu, Sichuan, China.

[455]  Yang M., Chu L.Y.*, Xie R., Wang C., 2007. Molecular-recognition characteristics of thermo-responsive polymers with pendent beta-cyclodextrin groups [C]. The 4th Joint China/Japan Chemical Engineering Symposium (CJCES), December 19-21, 2007, Chengdu, Sichuan, China.

[456]  Zhang S.B., Chu L.Y.*, Xu D., Zhang J., Ju X.J., Xie R., 2007. Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-based comb-type grafted hydrogel with rapid response to blood glucose concentration change at physiological temperature [C]. The 4th Joint China/Japan Chemical Engineering Symposium (CJCES), December 19-21, 2007, Chengdu, Sichuan, China.

[457]  Zhang J., Chu L.Y.*, Cheng C.J., Zhou M.Y., Ju X.J., 2007. Graft-type poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-acrylic acid) microgels exhibiting rapid thermo- and pH-responsive properties [C]. The 4th Joint China/Japan Chemical Engineering Symposium (CJCES), December 19-21, 2007, Chengdu, Sichuan, China.

[458]  Cheng C.J., Chu L.Y.*, Zhang J., Wang H.D., Wei G., Xie R., 2007. Effect of freeze-drying and rehydrating treatment on the thermoresponsive characteristics of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) microspheres [C]. The 4th Joint China/Japan Chemical Engineering Symposium (CJCES), December 19-21, 2007, Chengdu, Sichuan, China.

[459]  Ju X.J., Chu L.Y.*, Liu L., Mi P., Zhou M.Y., Zhang S.B., 2007. Dual thermo- and ion-responsive cross-linked poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) hydrogels incorporated with crown ether receptors [C]. The 4th Joint China/Japan Chemical Engineering Symposium (CJCES), December 19-21, 2007, Chengdu, Sichuan, China.

[460]  Meng T., Chu L.Y.*, Xie R., Chen Y.C., 2007. Formation of SiO2 coating films with high transparency on glass surface: from superhydrophilicity to superhydrophobicity [C]. The 4th Joint China/Japan Chemical Engineering Symposium (CJCES), December 19-21, 2007, Chengdu, Sichuan, China.

[461]  Chu L.Y.*, 2007. Preparation of monodisperse thermo-responsive hydrogel microspheres using microfluidic devices [C]. The 2nd Asian Symposium on Emulsion Polymerization and Functional Polymeric Microspheres, September 9-14, 2007, Beijing, China: S1-10.

[462]  Zhou M.Y., Chu L.Y.*, Zheng L., Ju X.J., Cheng C.J., 2007. Flow characteristics of thermo-responsive poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) microspheres during the phase transition in microchannel [C]. The 2nd Asian Symposium on Emulsion Polymerization and Functional Polymeric Microspheres, September 9-14, 2007, Beijing, China: S1-11.

[463]  Ju X.J., Chu L.Y.*, Liu L., Mi P., Zhou M.Y., Song H., 2007. Preparation and properties of monodisperse ion-recognition microspheres [C]. The 2nd Asian Symposium on Emulsion Polymerization and Functional Polymeric Microspheres, September 9-14, 2007, Beijing, China: S3-16.

[464]  褚良银*, 2007. 新型手性拆分智能膜研究[C]. 《膜科学与技术》第六届编委会第四次会议,郑州,2007730-31. *大会邀请报告)

[465]  褚良银*, 2007. 可持续发展战略中的膜技术[C]. 见:第九届全国非均相分离技术学术交流会论文集,宁波,1028日-112日,2007: 97-103.

[466]  李鹏飞, 褚良银*, 汪伟, 谢锐, 巨晓洁, 杨眉, 朱小丽, 米鹏, 2007. 分子识别型温敏智能膜的制备与表征[C]. 见:第九届全国非均相分离技术学术交流会论文集,宁波,1028日-112日,2007: 73-78,72.

[467]  谢锐,张诗博,褚良银*,王海东,杨眉,李鹏飞2007. 温敏型分子识别膜的制备与性能研究I.温度敏感的分子识别特性研究[C]. 见:第四届全国化学工程与生物化工年会论文集,杭州,1126-29日,2007.

[468]  米鹏,褚良银*巨晓洁,夏烈文,张杰2007. 离子识别型智能高分子材料的制备与表征[C]. 见:第四届全国化学工程与生物化工年会论文集,杭州,1126-29日,2007.

[469]  程昌敬,褚良银*王晓伟2007. 具有各种不同形貌温敏聚N-异丙基丙烯酰胺微球的制备[C]. 见:第四届全国化学工程与生物化工年会论文集,杭州,1126-29日,2007.

[470]  杨眉,褚良银*王春,谢锐2007. 分子识别型温敏高分子的相变行为研究[C]. 见:第四届全国化学工程与生物化工年会论文集,杭州,1126-29日,2007.

[471]  张杰,褚良银*米丹凤,程昌敬,周明宇2007. 快速双重环境感应型梳状接枝凝胶微球的研究[C]. 见:第四届全国化学工程与生物化工年会论文集,杭州,1126-29日,2007.

[472]  杨文川,褚良银*庞雪芹,巨晓洁2007. 磁性温度感应微囊膜的制备及性能研究[C]. 见:第四届全国化学工程与生物化工年会论文集,杭州,1126-29日,2007.



[473]  Chu L.Y.*, 2006. Environmental stimuli-responsive membranes and microcapsules with functional gates [C]. The 2nd USA-China Workshop on Chemical Engineering Faculty Research Collaboration, August 21-23, 2006, New Hampshire, USA. *Invited Talk

[474]  Chu L.Y.*, 2006. Environmental stimuli-responsive “smart” gating membranes [C]. InProc. of the 6th Conference on Membrane Science & Technology in Taiwan, June 8-9, 2006, Chungli, Taiwan. *大会邀请报告)

[475]  褚良银*, 2006. 智能膜材料和膜过程研究新进展[C]. 材料化学工程研究进展学术研讨会,南京,2006512-14.

[476]  Xie R., Chu L.Y.*, Tong G.R, Yang M., Wang H.D. 2006. Preparation of thermo-responsive and molecular-recognizable poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-glycidyl methacrylate/cyclodextrin)-g-polyethylene terephthalate membranes [C], In: Proc. of the 3rd Conference of Aseanian Membrane Society 2006 (AMS 2006), August 23-25, 2006, Beijing, China: P3-21.

[477]  Wang H.D., Chu L.Y.*, Yang J.P., 2006. Preparation and characterization of β-cyclodextrin-containing molecular recognition composite membranes [C], In: Proc. of the 3rd Conference of Aseanian Membrane Society 2006 (AMS 2006), August 23-25, 2006, Beijing, China: P3-27.

[478]  Cheng C.J., Chu L.Y.*, Wang H.D., Xie R., Hu L., Zhou M.Y., 2006. Preparation of monodisperse W/O emulsions with hydrophobically modified SPG membranes [C], In: Proc. of the 3rd Conference of Aseanian Membrane Society 2006 (AMS 2006), August 23-25, 2006, Beijing, China: P3-20.

[479]  Li P.F., Ju X.J., Chu L.Y.*, Xie R., 2006. Preparation of thermo-responsive membranes by fabricating poly (N-isopropylacrylamide) hydrogels inside porous substrates with free-radical polymerization method [C], In: Proc. of the 3rd Conference of Aseanian Membrane Society 2006 (AMS 2006), August 23-25, 2006, Beijing, China: P3-22.

[480]  杨眉褚良银*陈文梅,谢锐,童桂容,王海东,2006. 具有接枝悬挂环糊精空腔的温敏膜的制备与表征[C]. 见:第三届全国化学工程与生物化工年会论文集,广西,1110-14日,2006: Q013.

[481]  周明宇,褚良银*,巨晓洁,程昌敬,2006. 温敏型凝胶微球相变过程中流动特性的研究[C]. 见:第三届全国化学工程与生物化工年会论文集,广西,1110-14日,2006: Q012.

[482]  巨晓洁, 褚良银*, 2006. 冠醚疏水改性聚N-异丙基丙烯酰胺的温敏性能研究[C]. 见:2006年全国博士生学术论坛论文集,上海,820-23日,2006: F26.

[483]  张杰,褚良银*,李远科,2006. 温度和pH双重刺激快速响应型智能凝胶研究[C]. : 2006年全国博士生学术论坛论文集,上海,820-23日,2006: F27.



[484]  Chu L.Y.*, Li Y., Zhu J.H., Chen W.M., 2005. Negatively thermo-responsive membranes with functional gates driven by zipper-type hydrogen bonding[C], In: Proc. of International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes 2005 (ICOM 2005), August 21-26, 2005 Seoul, Korea: PM-004.

[485]  Chu L.Y.*, Qu J.B., Chen W.M., Yang M., Xie R., Hu L., 2005. “A pH-responsive controlled-release system with fast responsivity”[C], In: Proc. of China/USA/Japan Joint Chemical Engineering Conference, October 11-13, 2005, Beijing, China: SE06A-8.

[486]  Xie R., Chu L.Y.*, Chen W.M., Xiao W., Qu J.B., 2005. Characterization of microstructure of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-grafted polycarbonate track-etched membranes prepared by plasma-graft pore-filling polymerization[C], In: Proc. of International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes 2005 (ICOM 2005), August 21-26, 2005 Seoul, Korea: SW-101.

[487]  Wang G.J., Chu L.Y.*, Chen W.M., Zhou M.Y., 2005. A porous microcapsule membrane with straight microchannels across the thickness for immobilization of microbial cells[C], In: Proc. of International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes 2005 (ICOM 2005), August 21-26, 2005 Seoul, Korea: SW-128.

[488]  褚良银*2005. 智能化膜材料和膜技术研究新进展[C]. 见:第五届全国膜与膜过程学术报告会论文集,长春,88-112005: A07. *大会邀请报告)

[489]  褚良银*,谢锐,陈文梅,2005. Developments of Membrane Technology for Enantioseparations [C]. 见:全国首届手性制药技术学术研讨会论文集,成都,816-19日,2005: 135-137. *大会邀请报告)

[490]  褚良银*2005. 环境响应型智能膜材料和膜技术研究[C]. 见:第二届全国化学工程与生物化工年会论文集,北京,114-7日,2005: 32-34. *邀请报告)

[491]  胡林,褚良银*陈文梅,于江,杨眉,曲剑波2005. 温度感应复合型控制释放膜系统的性能研究[C]. 见:第五届全国膜与膜过程学术报告会论文集,长春,88-11日,2005: H04. *大会优秀论文

[492]  谢锐,褚良银*陈文梅2005. 制备单分散含单体O/W乳液的SPG膜乳化过程研究[C]. 2005首届全国化工类博士生学术论坛天津2005812-15. *大会杰出论文

[493]  王海东,褚良银*,徐丹,陈文梅,谢锐,张杰,巨晓洁,程昌敬,2005. 分子识别型智能凝胶材料研究[C]. 见:第二届全国化学工程与生物化工年会论文集,北京,114-7日,2005: Q017.

[494]  杨眉,褚良银*,李艳,朱家骅,陈文梅,胡林,王海东,2005. 基材膜的物理化学性质对开关膜制备及其温敏特性的影响[C]. 见:第二届全国化学工程与生物化工年会论文集,北京,114-7日,2005: Q023.

[495]  曲剑波,褚良银*,陈文梅,杨眉,王广金,谢锐,胡林,2005. 聚甲基丙烯酸-N,N-二甲胺基乙酯水凝胶的pH感应型特性及药物控释性能[C]. 见:第二届全国化学工程与生物化工年会论文集,北京,114-7日,2005: Q027.

[496]  米鹏,褚良银*,徐丹,杨文川,谢锐,宋航,陈文梅,2005. 钠离子识别型复合膜的制备与性能研究[C]. 见:第二届全国化学工程与生物化工年会论文集,北京,114-7日,2005: Q035.

[497]  巨晓洁,褚良银*,朱小丽,胡林,宋航,陈文梅,王海东,张杰,2005. 制备条件对温敏型水凝胶温度响应特性的影响[C]. 见:第二届全国化学工程与生物化工年会论文集,北京,114-7日,2005: Q053.

[498]  张杰,褚良银*,张诗博,陈文梅,王海东,巨晓洁,2005. 可生物降解环境感应型药物控释系统的研究[C]. 见:第二届全国化学工程与生物化工年会论文集,北京,114-7日,2005: Q061.

[499]  王广金,褚良银*,陈文梅,朱小丽,曲剑波,谢锐,巨晓洁2005. 多孔膜微囊载体生物颗粒基质传质特性研究[C]. 见:第五届全国膜与膜过程学术报告会论文集,长春,88-11日,2005: E23.

[500]  曲剑波,褚良银*,陈文梅,杨眉,谢锐,巨晓洁,2005. 耦合型pH感应控制释放膜系统的研究[C]. 见:第五届全国膜与膜过程学术报告会论文集,长春,88-11日,2005: H05.

[501]  杨眉,褚良银*,陈文梅,谢锐,王海东2005. 尼龙6接枝聚N-异丙基丙烯酰胺微孔膜的制备及其温敏特性[C]. 见:第五届全国膜与膜过程学术报告会论文集,长春,88-11日,2005: H09.

[502]  王海东褚良银*,陈文梅,谢锐,杨眉,2005. 分子识别型水凝胶的实验研究[C]. 见:全国首届手性制药技术学术研讨会论文集,成都,816-19日,2005: 152-158.

[503]  王升贵,王志斌,陈文梅,褚良银周先桃,2005. 旋流器分离过程随机特性的物理描述[C]. 见:第八届全国非均相分离学术交流会论文集,黄山,527-30日,2005: 105-111.

[504]  王志斌,王升贵,陈文梅,褚良银2005. 水力旋流器固体颗粒运动的随机性与跟随性分析[C]. 见:第八届全国非均相分离学术交流会论文集,黄山,527-30日,2005: 117-122.

[505]  黄维菊,陈文梅,苏葆月,褚良银2005. 国内膜微滤强化技术研究进展[C]. 见:第八届全国非均相分离学术交流会论文集,黄山,527-30日,2005: 157-162.



[506]  Chu L.Y.*, Li Y., Wang H.D., Zhu J.H., Chen W.M., 2004. Study on Thermo- and pH-Responsive Intelligent Gating Membranes[C], In: Proc. of 4th International Conference on Separation Science and Technology (February 18-21, 2004, Nanning, China) —— Frontiers on Separation Science and Technology, Would Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 2004: 541-546.

[507]  Chu L.Y.*, Yu W., Wang G.J., Zhou X.T., Chen W.M., Dai G.Q., 2004. Flow Field and Separation Performance of Modified Hydrocyclones[C], In: Proc. of 9th World Filtration Congress, April 18-24, 2004, New Orleans, USA: 145-3.

[508]  Li Y., Chu L.Y.*, Zhu J.H., Xia S.L., Chen W.M., Xiao X.C., Qu J.B., 2004. Effect of Grafting Yields on the Gating Characteristics of Thermo-Responsive Gating Membranes[C], In: Proc. of 9th World Filtration Congress, April 18-24, 2004, New Orleans, USA: 425-3.

[509]  Wang S., Chu L.Y.*, Chen W.M., Xiao X.C., Li Y., 2004. Research and Development of Hydrophilic/Hydrophobic Composite Membranes for Oil-Water Separation[C], In: Proc. of 9th World Filtration Congress, April 18-24, 2004, New Orleans, USA: 142-3.

[510]  Shu Z.H., Chen W.M., Chu L.Y., 2004. The BP Neural Network Model of Hydrocyclones for Oil-Water Separation[C], In: Proc. of 9th World Filtration Congress, April 18-24, 2004, New Orleans, USA: 145-11.

[511]  Shu Z.H., Chen W.M., Chu L.Y., 2004. Distribution of Oil Droplet Size and It’s Influence Factors in De-Oiling Hydrocyclone[C], In: Proc. of 9th World Filtration Congress, April 18-24, 2004, New Orleans, USA: 411-4.

[512]  褚良银梁毅坚,王海东,李艳,陈文梅,2004. 葡萄糖浓度感应型胰岛素控制释放膜研究[C]. 见:第三届全国制药工程科技与教育研讨会论文集,杭州,1022-24日,2004: 311-316.

[513]  李艳,褚良银*,朱家骅,夏素兰,陈文梅,王广金,王枢2004. 温度感应型互穿聚合物网络开关膜的研究[C]. 见:第一届全国化学工程与生物化工年会论文集,南京,115-9日,2004: B043. *大会优秀墙报论文

[514]  王枢,褚良银*,陈文梅,李艳,王广金,2004. 油水分离复合膜表面结构对分离性能的影响[C]. 见:第一届全国化学工程与生物化工年会论文集,南京,115-9日,2004: B077.

[515]  李艳,褚良银*,朱家骅,夏素兰,陈文梅,王枢,王广金2004. 基于N-异丙基丙烯酰胺的开关膜的相变温度特性研究[C]. 见:第一届全国化学工程与生物化工年会论文集,南京,115-9日,2004: B044.

[516]  王广金,褚良银*,陈文梅,杨平,周明宇,周先桃,曲剑波,谢锐2004. 微生物固定化载体多孔膜微囊的制备[C]. 见:第一届全国化学工程与生物化工年会论文集,南京,115-9日,2004: B071.

[517]  王广金,褚良银*,陈文梅,杨平,周明宇,周先桃,曲剑波,谢锐2004. 多孔膜微囊载体固定微生物的性能研究[C]. 见:第一届全国化学工程与生物化工年会论文集,南京,115-9日,2004: N035.

[518]  曲剑波,褚良银*,陈文梅,杨眉,谢锐,王广金2004. 等离子体法制备新型pH感应开关膜[C]. 见:第一届全国化学工程与生物化工年会论文集,南京,115-9日,2004: B063.

[519]  谢锐,褚良银*,陈文梅,肖文,曲剑波,王广金2004. 智能化手性拆分膜研究.I–等离子诱导接枝聚合法在聚碳酸酯核孔膜上制备PNIPAM开关[C]. 见:第一届全国化学工程与生物化工年会论文集,南京,115-9日,2004: B083.

[520]  曲剑波,褚良银*,陈文梅,谢锐,李艳,2004. pH感应型微囊膜给药系统的释放机理及研究进展[C]. 见:过程装备与控制工程,北京:化学工业出版社,2004.7217-221.

[521]  王广金,褚良银*,陈文梅,周先桃,王枢,李艳,2004. 微生物固定化载体多孔膜微囊的制备[C]. 见:过程装备与控制工程,北京:化学工业出版社,2004.7222-225.

[522]  谢锐,褚良银*,陈文梅,曲剑波,2004. 对映异构体分离方法的研究新进展[C]. 见:过程装备与控制工程,北京:化学工业出版社,2004.7233-237.

[523]  王枢,褚良银*,陈文梅,李艳,王广金,2004. 有机/无机复合型抗污染油水分离膜研究[C]. 见:过程装备与控制工程,北京:化学工业出版社,2004.7301-305.

[524]  李艳,王海东,褚良银*,朱家骅,夏素兰,陈文梅,王广金,王枢,2004. pH值感应型智能开关膜的感应开关特性研究[C]. 见:过程装备与控制工程,北京:化学工业出版社,2004.7596-600.

[525]  珣,陈文梅,褚良银,陈海炎,李碧仙,周先桃,2004. 超细气流粉碎基础理论的研究现状及发展[C]. 见:过程装备与控制工程,北京:化学工业出版社,2004.7259-263.

[526]  周先桃,陈文梅,褚良银珣,李碧仙,2004. 旋转管式膜分离器的分离机理及特性[C]. 见:过程装备与控制工程,北京:化学工业出版社,2004.7294-298.

[527]  李碧仙,陈文梅,褚良银周先桃,珣,2004. 旋转管式膜分离技术的强化方法研究与新进展[C]. 见:过程装备与控制工程,北京:化学工业出版社,2004.7298-301.

[528]  王广金,陈文梅,褚良银,周先桃,李艳,王枢,2004. 钻井污水处理工艺的实验研究[C]. 见:过程装备与控制工程,北京:化学工业出版社,2004.7322-326.



[529]  褚良银2003. 环境感应型智能化药物载体[C]. 见:第二届全国制药工程科技与教育研讨会论文集,安徽黄山,2003.10.17-20213-216. *大会主题报告)

[530]  褚良银2003. 智能化膜技术研究新进展[C]. 见:2003四川省中青年专家学术大会论文集,成都,2003.9.6-7.



[531]  Chu L.Y., Chen W.M., 2002. Enhancement of separation performance by swirl flow[C], In: Proc. of 4th China-Japan Int. Conf. on Filtration and Separation, Zhejiang, China, Nov. 17-20, 2002: 273-280. *大会特邀报告)

[532]  Chu L.Y., Yamaguchi T., Nakao S., 2002. A molecular recognition microcapsule for environmental stimuli-responsive controlled-release [C], In: Proc. of 67th Annual Conference of the Society of Chemical Engineers of Japan, Fukuoka, Japan, March 27-29, 2002: No.109.

[533]  Chu L.Y., Chen W.M., Niitsuma T., Yamaguchi T., Nakao S., 2002. Thermo-responsive transport behavior through porous membranes with PNIPAM gates [C], In: Proc. of 4th China-Japan Int. Conf. on Filtration and Separation, Zhejiang, China, Nov. 17-20, 2002: 414-418.

[534]  Chen W.M., Chu L.Y., Yang L., 2002. Research on the enhancement of tubular filtration membrane by centrifugal force field [C], In: Proc. of 4th China-Japan Int. Conf. on Filtration and Separation, Zhejiang, China, Nov. 17-20, 2002: 364-368.

[535]  Shu Z.H., Liu G.F., Chen W.M., Chu L.Y., 2002. Study on the application of BP neural network in hydrocyclones for oil-water separation [C], In: Proc. of 4th China-Japan Int. Conf. on Filtration and Separation, Zhejiang, China, Nov. 17-20, 2002: 328-334.

[536]  褚良银,朱家骅,陈文梅,Yamaguchi T., Nakao S., 2002. Research on thermo-responsive core-shell microcapsule membranes prepared by plasma-graft pore-filling polymerization [C]. :第十一届全国化学工程科技报告会论文集,湘潭,517-20, 2002: 617-620.

[537]  王枢,褚良银,陈文梅,肖新才,程昌敬,王广金,2002. 高效抗污染油水分离膜的制备研究[C]. :第八届全国高校过程装备及控制工程专业校际学术会论文集,西安,1018-21, 2002: 25-28.

[538]  谢锐,褚良银,陈文梅,肖新才,王枢,王广金,2002. SPG膜乳化法制备单分散多孔微囊膜的实验研究[C]. :第八届全国高校过程装备及控制工程专业校际学术会论文集,西安,1018-21, 2002: 29-32.

[539]  肖新才,褚良银,陈文梅,王枢,宋维会,王广金,2002. (N-异丙基丙烯酰胺-co-苯乙烯)感温型凝胶微粒的研究[C]. :第八届全国高校过程装备及控制工程专业校际学术会论文集,西安,1018-21, 2002: 33-36.

[540]  陈文梅,褚良银,王成端,王志斌,2002. 旋转流强化膜过滤的研究与应用[C]. :第七届全国非均相分离学术交流会论文集, 南京,610-11日,2002: 171-175,179.



[541]  Chu L.Y., Park S.H., Yamaguchi T., Nakao S., 2001, Thermo-responsive core-shell microcapsules with a porous membrane and poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) gates [C], In: Proc. of 66th Annual Conference of the Society of Chemical Engineers of Japan, Hiroshima, Japan, April 2-4, 2001: E201.

[542]  Chu L.Y., Park S.H., Yamaguchi T., Nakao S., 2001, Preparation of monodisperse thermo-responsive microcapsules with different size grades [C], In: Proc. of 23rd Annual Conference of Membrane Society of Japan, Tokyo, Japan, May 17-18, 2001: C-1-13.

[543]  Chu L.Y., Park S.H., Yamaguchi T., Nakao S., 2001, Thermo-responsive core-shell microcapsules with a porous membrane and PNIPAM gates [C], In: Proc. 17th International Symposium on Membrane Science and Technology, Hamamatsu, Japan, June 7-8, 2001: 2L10. —— Fiber Preprints of Japan, 56(2): 76.

[544]  Chu L.Y., Park S.H., Yamaguchi T., Nakao S., 2001, Thermo-responsive core-shell microcapsules with a porous membrane and poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) gates [C], In: Proc. of 1st MICS-NET Annual Internet Meeting, Japan, June 25-July 6, 2001: Benli-7.

[545]  Chu L.Y., Park S.H., Yamaguchi T., Nakao S., 2001, Preparation of small-size monodisperse thermo-responsive core-shell microcapsules [C], In: Proc. of 34th Autumn Meeting of the Society of Chemical Engineers of Japan, Hokkaido, Japan, September 28-30, 2001: I119.

[546]  Chu L.Y., Niitsuma T., Yamaguchi T., Nakao S., 2001, Thermo-responsive transport behavior through porous membranes with linear-grafted poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) gates: From flat membranes to core-shell microcapsule membranes [C], In: Proc. of Membrane Symposium 2001, Kyoto, Japan, November 29-30, 2001: 109.



[547]  杨柳,陈文梅,李晓钟, 褚良银,舒朝晖,2000. 旋转管式膜分离技术的应用与研究进展[C]. 见:第七届全国高校过程装备及控制工程专业校际学术会论文集,成都,2000.10: 7-12.

[548]  陈文梅,褚良银,杨柳,舒朝晖,2000. 水力旋流器分离过程的数学模拟[C]. 见:第七届全国高校过程装备及控制工程专业校际学术会论文集,成都,2000.10: 13-17.

[549]  陈文梅,褚良银李晓钟, 方为茂,杨柳,2000. 微滤膜过滤强化研究[C]. 见:第七届全国高校过程装备及控制工程专业校际学术会论文集,成都,2000.10: 18-20.

[550]  李晓钟, 陈文梅,褚良银,舒朝晖,钟月华,2000. Monte Carlo方法预测油水分离旋流器的分级效率[C]. 见:第七届全国高校过程装备及控制工程专业校际学术会论文集,成都,2000.10: 108-113.



[551]  褚良银, 李晓钟, 陈文梅, 1998. 水力旋流器湍流结构与节能研究[C]. : 中国科协第三届青年学术年会论文集, 北京, 1998.8.

[552]  陈文梅, 褚良银, 李晓钟, 1998. 磷酸生产废水封闭循环技术研究[C]. : 第一届国际绿色化学高级研讨会论文集(Proc. of 1st Int. Workshop on Green Chemistry in China), 合肥, 1998.5: 69-71.



[553]  Chu L.Y., Chen W.M., Li X.Z., Liu P.K., Wang D.H., 1997. "Mathematical modeling of hydrocyclone separation process (I) A 'black box' model based on artificial neural networks (ANN)"[C], In: Proc. of 3rd China-Japan International Conference on Filtration & Separation, Wuxi, China, Oct. 21-24, 1997: 352-355.

[554]  Chen W.M., Chu L.Y., 1997. "Theory of fluid flow and practice of hydrocyclones"[C], In: Proc. of 3rd China-Japan International Conference on Filtration & Separation, Wuxi, China, Oct. 21-24, 1997: 501-505. *大会特邀报告)

[555]  Chen W.M., Lei M.G., Liu Y.L., Chu L.Y., Fang W.M., Li X.Z., 1997. "The accommodation of solid-liquid separation technology to wastewater treatment in H3PO4 production with different quality of phosphoric ores"[C], In: Proc. of 3rd China-Japan International Conference on Filtration & Separation, Wuxi, China, Oct. 21-24, 1997: 464-469.

[556]  Fang S.R., Chu L.Y., Liu P.K., Chen W.M., 1997. "De-watering research of water dispersed in oil with hydrocyclone"[C], In: Proc. of 3rd China-Japan International Conference on Filtration & Separation, Wuxi, China, Oct. 21-24, 1997: 356-359.

[557]  褚良银, 陈文梅, 李晓钟, 任熙, 吴持恭, 1997. 水力旋流器分离空间匹配优化研究[C]. : 第五届全国非均相分离学术会议论文集, 北京, 1997.7: 152-155.

[558]  褚良银, 陈文梅, 李晓钟, 任熙, 吴持恭, 1997. 水力旋流器内湍流压力场时均结构与脉动结构研究[C]. : 第六届全国高校化机专业校际学术会议论文集, 广州, 1997.10: 24-31.

[559]  任熙, 陈文梅, 褚良银, 李晓钟, 1997. 水力旋流器新型结构的研究[C]. : 第五届全国非均相分离学术会议论文集, 北京, 1997.7: 149-151.



[560]  Chu L.Y., Li X.Z., Chen W.M., 1996. "Energy consumption in hydrocyclone separations and its reduction. Part I: theoretical investigations of the pressure distribution and the energy consumption mechanism in hydrocyclones"[C], In: Proc. of 7th World Filtration Congress, Budapest, Hungary, May 20-23, 1996, Vol. I: 152-156.

[561]  Chu L.Y., Chen W.M., Li X.Z., et al, 1996. "Hydrocyclone-flocculation-filtration (HFF) network separation technique for wastewater treatment: development and industrial application"[C], In: Proc. of 7th World Filtration Congress, Budapest, Hungary, May 20-23, 1996, Vol. I: 354-358.



[562]  Chu L.Y., Luo Q. Yu R.H. et al, 1995. Reducing the overgrinding of hydrophobic materials in grinding circuit by using the air-sparged hydrocyclone[C], In: Proc. of 19th Int. Miner. Process. CongressSan Francisco, USA, Oct. 1995, pp.183-186.



[563]  Chu L.Y., Chen W.M., 1993. Research on the solid-liquid two-phase flow field in hydrocyclones[C]. In: Proc. of 18th Int. Miner. Process. Congress, Sydney, Australia, May 23-28, 1993: 1469-1472.

[564]  褚良银, 罗茜, 1993. 水力旋流器式浮选机的研究进展[C]. 见:现代选矿技术研讨会论文集, 宁波, 溪口, 1993.1063-72.

[565]  褚良银, 1993. 充气水力旋流器内气泡矿化过程分析研究[C]. 见:第三届中国青年选矿学术研讨会论文集, 1993.10: 31-36.



[566]  褚良银, 陈文梅, 1992. 水力旋流器内固相颗粒径向运动规律的预测模型[C]. 见:第三届全国非均相分离学术交流会论文集, 无锡, 1992.10160-164.




Last Updated: 2025.1.16.



For further information, please contact:

Professor Liang-Yin CHU

School of Chemical Engineering

Sichuan University

Chengdu, 610065, Sichuan