(Group News in 2013) |
2013年 |
microcapsules for adjustable controlled-release”被Advanced Functional
Materials (2012 Impact Factor
= 9.765) 录用发表。祝贺! |
polymeric microparticles engineered from controllable microfluidic emulsions”被Accounts of Chemical
Research (2012 Impact Factor =
20.833) 录用发表。祝贺! |
formation of controllable monodisperse multiple emulsions in microfluidics”被Lab
on a Chip杂志作为封底论文(Back
Cover)发表(2013, 13(20): 4047-4052)。祝贺! |
poly(ether sulfone) composite membranes blended with amphiphilic polystyrene-block-poly(acrylic acid) copolymers”被Journal
of Membrane Science (2012 Impact Factor = 4.093) 录用发表。祝贺! |
巨晓洁副教授荣获2013年度国家自然科学基金委“优秀青年科学基金项目”资助,汪伟讲师荣获2013年度国家自然科学基金委“青年科学基金项目”资助。祝贺! |
我组夏烈文博士的研究论文“Nano-structured smart hydrogels
with rapid response and high elasticity”在Nature
Communications (2012 Impact Factor = 10.015) 上发表(Nat. Commun. 4: 2226; doi:
10.1038/ncomms3226 (2013))以来,连续成为该杂志阅读最多的论文之一(Most-Read Articles of Nature
Communications, ranked No.18 in the Top Content of
Most-Read Articles on August 6, 2013; No.16 on August 7, 2013; No.14 on August 8, 2013; No.10 on August 9, 2013; No.8 on August 10, 2013; No.8 on August 11, 2013; No.8 on August 12, 2013; No.8 on August 14, 2013; No.5 on August 15, 2013)。祝贺! |
我组博士生梅丽同学的研究论文“pH-responsive Ca-alginate-based capsule membranes with grafted poly(methacrylic
acid) brushes for controllable enzyme reaction”被Chemical Engineering Journal (2012 Impact Factor = 3.473) 录用发表。祝贺! |
Membranes for Water Treatment: Detection and Removal of Trace Pb2+
Ions Based on Molecular Recognition and Polymer Phase Transition”被Journal
of Materials Chemistry A杂志作为封面内页论文(Inside
Front Cover)发表(2013,
9659-9671)。祝贺! |
后排左起:张茂洁,汪伟,陈刚,任平伟,朱小丽,李鹏飞,张杰,胡林; 前排左起:覃建军,褚良银,褚帝凯,王海东,陈文梅,杨眉,徐丹,巨晓洁 |
我组夏烈文博士的研究论文“Nano-structured smart hydrogels
with rapid response and high elasticity”被Nature
Communications (2012 Impact Factor = 10.015) 录用发表(Nat. Commun. 4: 2226; doi:
10.1038/ncomms3226 (2013))。祝贺! |
2013年7月,我组研究生张茂洁同学在“第三届‘东富龙杯’全国学生制药工程研究征文比赛”中荣获“二等奖”。祝贺! |
formation of controllable monodisperse multiple emulsions in microfluidics”被Lab
on a Chip (2012 Impact Factor = 5.697) 录用发表。祝贺! |
我组博士生刘应梅同学的研究论文“Hydrogel-based micro-actuators
with remote-controlled locomotion and fast Pb2+-response for
micromanipulation”被ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2012 Impact Factor
= 5.008) 录用发表。祝贺! |
我组博士生魏竭同学荣获2012年度陶氏化学教育发展奖学金“优秀论文奖”。祝贺! |
我组部分成员及毕业生在川大校门前合影 (第三排(左起):何帆,杨涛,石琨,廖方新,邓科,牟川林,梁卫刚,邓楠楠,孙少兴,蒙治君,郑威超,林硕,张磊,李增男,胡志强,邹笑一; 第二排(左起):刘壮,徐银香,孙易蒙,张茂洁,汪伟,梅丽,覃建军,褚良银,余亚兰,,巨晓洁,罗涛,韦洪波,余海溶,王妍妮,魏竭,杨超(男),骆枫; 第一排(左起):方露,何晓恒,刘应梅,杨秀兰,温国清,陈爱玲,王小雪,王银梅,魏耘砚,原玫,伍芳,姚陈,杨超(女),梁璇,江明月,戴珩婧,宋筱露) |
我组博士生邓楠楠同学的研究论文“A novel
surgery-like strategy for droplet coalescence in microchannels”被Lab
on a Chip (2012 Impact Factor = 5.697) 录用发表。祝贺! |
microparticles from controllably evolved double emulsions”被Angewandte
Chemie International Edition杂志选为Cover Picture(http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/anie.201304863/pdf;
http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/anie.201301590/abstract)。祝贺! |
Membranes for Water Treatment: Detection and Removal of Trace Pb2+
Ions Based on Molecular Recognition and Polymer Phase Transition”被Journal
of Materials Chemistry A (2011 Impact Factor = 5.968) 录用发表。祝贺! |
portable diagnosis method of hyperkalemia using
potassium-recognizable poly(NIPAM-co-B |